The Art of Knowing is Knowing What to Ignore

“The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore” Rumi


The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore Rumi - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling


I saw this posted recently by a friend on Facebook, yes Facebook. Again, from Rumi, “The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.” I appreciate the simplicity of this illustration and how it depicts the lens we each view life, and what we see or do not see.


The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore Rumi - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling - The noise of others opinions intuition Steve Jobs


Real Life Application – The Art of Knowing is Knowing What to Ignore

When I arrived back in the States in 2009 after a year and a half in Asia, I accepted an opportunity to work at a recording studio in Edison, NJ. After about six months, the owner decided he wanted to return to a staff of just one: himself. At the time, I immediately felt a sense of fear and urgency to find a solution.

I was speaking with a friend, and she became very anxious about my situation. She was angry at my former employer and wanted me to confront him about the situation. I did not think this was prudent or a productive route. He wanted to return to work by himself. He has that right and chose with respect and integrity, although it was disappointing to me.


The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore Rumi - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling - michael-jordan failure



During my time at the recording studio, I learned from Nanda, my former supervisor, about some excellent PA equipment that he used and its value as a professional. After purchasing the PA system, he recommended, I determined it would be an excellent opportunity for me to start a professional Wedding DJ business. I had been a DJ when I was younger and knew the skills were still there.


Believe it or not, this was my primary source of income for the next three years! This gave me time to work on some novels I had written overseas and refocus my work with others. This has directed me towards Holistic Counseling Services, utilizing the skills and experience I’ve developed over twenty years as a Social Worker, Counselor, Coach, Mentor, and Reiki Teaching Master! You are reading this page because I “saw” an opportunity when Nanda made his decision. I did not “see” a situation that was grim and desperate. I “ignored” the potential financial and personal consequences of not creating income for myself. I “ignored” the fact that I had no real business plan, which formed along the way organically.

Like the two prison inmates in the comic above, the lens through which we interpret our situation, circumstances, and life directly influences our life and how we enjoy or detest its experiences. Our lens is critical to our ability to find the internal and external resources we need to succeed, whatever success means to us personally.


The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore Rumi - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling


Today, I am grateful for Nanda and his choice to let me go. I am here in Providence, Rhode Island, flourishing. It took time, effort, and creativity along the way. I am curious to see what is next for you, me, and us!


The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore Rumi - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling - Lao Tsu


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The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore Rumi - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling - yesterday i was so clever


More Rumi Poetry at Peaceful Rivers Inspirational Poems.


Michael Swerdloff

Providence Holistic Counseling Services

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