Art, Dance, Poetry & Writing
It’s Never Too Late To Be Amazing
Never too late.
At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA.
At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job.
At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer.
At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school.
At age 28, J.K. Rowling was a suicidal single parent living on welfare.
At age 28, Wayne Coyne (from The Flaming Lips) was a fry cook.
At age 30, Harrison Ford was a carpenter.
At age 30, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker.
At age 37, Ang Lee was a stay-at-home-dad working odd jobs.
Julia Child ...
Surrender. Is there a scarier or more freeing word than surrender? Surrender. I invite you to sit with this word and let it move around in your mind and belly. What does surrender bring up for you? Panic? Fear? Humiliation? Joy? Victory? Success? Freedom? Release?...
The Invisible White Rabbit – A Parable in Determination
The Invisible White Rabbit - A Parable in Determination is based on a story by Edward Hays. I think The Invisible White Rabbit is an excellent source of inspiration and wisdom for those trying to forge a spiritual journey. We all know this journey takes incredible determination and perseverance. Many New Age books make it sound easy with their claims of "Five Easy Steps Towards Enlightenment", but anyone who has done any deep spiritual work is acutely aware that it is not easy or fast. But how do we stay on the path with life's challenges and surprises?...
Do Something Good For Someone Else, and Don’t Get Caught – Kindness
Kindness. Many years ago, a friend looked me in the eye and said, "If you want humility, and you really need it, do something good for someone else and don't get caught". My immediate thought was to punch him in the mouth; fortunately, I chose to just shut up and be angry.
Do something good for someone else, and don't get caught. This phrase haunted me. I could not understand why you would want to do something good for somebody else and not get credit any for it. What was the point? What would I get out of it? How would they know I did it? The little I did not understand this spiritual truth.
Spiritual Greed and Gluttony – Dark Night of The Soul
I remember about a dozen years ago, I was going through a particularly challenging time that felt like a hopeless period In my personal and spiritual development. Among other things, my mentor suggested that I read and meditate on Dark Night Of The Soul by St. John of The Cross. She suggested I pay close attention to the teachings on spiritual greed and gluttony. I immediately became furious at her but pretended as if I was okay. Of course, she knew better. Like any "good student" who wants to prove to his mentor just how good a student he is, I left her and directly went to buy a copy of the book.
Waka Poetry – Providence Zen Center
Waka Poetry at Providence Zen Center 10.11.14
I feel stillness now
Earth is alive as am I
Moment disappears
Life goes on moving freely
Wind does not know shaky mind
Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman
Many years ago, I gave a friend the book by Maya Angelou, Phenomenal Woman. I remember the first time she read it and watching her face light up as if an angel had just touched her; maybe she was, in a sense. I have always been a fan of Maya Angelou. I flinched this morning when I read that she had passed. Although we had never met, I felt like I lost an old friend. Amazing and phenomenal people have that effect on those who have heard or read their words. Along with being an amazing writer, Maya Angelou had as beautiful a speaking voice as I can remember hearing....