Art, Dance, Poetry & Writing
I Want To Know How Human You Are
Can we be unmistakenly human? Are we willing to dive completely into the full human experience without holding back?
How human are you? I mean, really human without masks, protection, and deception?
I invite you to read Taylor Rose Godfrey's painfully beautiful essay on being human in Elephant Journal with an open heart and mind....
Why I Keep My Car & Desk Messy
Why I Keep My Car & Desk Messy.
I have another article published in the Elephant Journal. Here is an excerpt. The full article can be accessed through the link below.
"When I used to consume alcohol and drugs, everything in my life was messy. My bedroom was messy. My refrigerator was messy. My bathroom was messy. My laundry was messy. My car was messy. My relationships were messy. My legal situation was messy. My finances were messy. My friendships were messy. My mind was messy. My body was messy. If I got involved, it would be messy."
Please read the full article ...
Honest Sex – An Updated Definition of Sex
Honest Sex. It is time for an updated, honest definition of sex. It is not 1958, and we are not the people we were then culturally. We want honest sex that meets the needs of all of us, not just a few. We look different, dress differently, connect differently, and act differently; we meet our dates and partners differently. Why would we not want to update our definition of sex?
Let's explore this article on Honest Sex by Shana James from The Gottman Institute....
Brought Back to Life By A Dance Class
What do we need to be brought back to life? We all get stuck from time to time. The "sparkplug" differs from person to person and depends on where we are in our lives and the circumstances we are experiencing.
"I don’t have a lot of wisdom to offer, but I do know that showing up was an act of self-care." Daphnée...
Co-Regulation and Healthy Relationships
Co-Regulation is when two people provide support for each other as a means of creating emotional safety, security, and connection. We need to connect with other people. It is that simple. There is a lot of information out there that convinces people that the goal is to be "self-sufficient" as if that is possible even if it were true. There never has been and never will be a time when being self-sufficient is best for us. Besides, we need food, shelter, the earth, sun and moon, water, air, clothing, beds, transportation, tools, machines, soil, trees, etc.; we need others whether we like it or not! We are not built to be self-sufficient, and that is a blessing!
We are wired to be connected with other people and possibly other species. Many of us were not taught or demonstrated how to do this in a healthy, safe manner. This makes the illusion of trying to be self-sufficient seductive and tempting. We want to find a more straightforward method than investing the time and energy required to build these safe and healthy relationships. We want an easy way out where it is unnecessary to lean into our fears of connection and intimacy.
Most folks are terrified of letting others in and allowing ourselves to be that vulnerable and exposed.So what do we do? We begin by creating inner safety and a sense of security that "I will be OK no matter what." This sense of safety and security provides the foundation for us to trust others because we know we are solid and secure. They may hurt us, but we will survive and, over time, thrive. Connection with others is what supports us in being independent....
Women Share First Experiences With Reiki – Does Reiki Really Work?
As a Reiki Master and Practitioner for more than twenty-five years, I am aware of the many people's skepticism and empty experiences with Reiki over the years. To be transparent, I, too, was skeptical before I experienced Reiki and its healing properties. These first experiences with Reiki that are less than desirable have prevented folks from experiencing the beauty and healing of Reiki; this is true more now than ever because there are so many people trained in Reiki in either a watered-down version or do not embrace the inner practice of integrating Reiki into their life, not just when working on others.
I have listened to people, mostly women, share their experiences of Reiki practitioners violating physical, emotional, and even sexual boundaries during Reiki sessions! This is tragic for the people who had these first experiences with Reiki that are harmful, and their friends and family who have learned about Reiki from them and understandably keep a safe distance from Reiki.
Reiki has been incredibly life-changing for me, which is why I practice and train students in the need for strong and clear Reiki boundaries and ALWAYS receiving consent before placing their hands on somebody else! Reiki Ethics have gotten lost in the last decade or so.
I hope you appreciate this brief article sharing women's first experiences with Reiki....