Art, Dance, Poetry & Writing
First Degree Reiki Training Saturday & Sunday October 16 & 17!
Advanced Reiki Training May 23!
First Degree Reiki Training June 19 & 20!
Cultural Competency & 7 Things You Should Expect from a Mental Health Professional
I am incredibly grateful for the experience of working with the Urban League for several years. The National Urban League works to provide economic empowerment, educational opportunities, and the guarantee of civil rights for the underserved in America. I had the opportunity to work with and be supervised by many excellent social workers, community organizers, and counselors who trained me in cultural competency as a mental health professional and social worker. Of course, there is always more to learn. There are so many different cultures, religions, and sub-cultures both here in the United States and around the world that it is impossible to truly achieve cultural competency. However, we can continue to learn and grow to support our communities to the best of our ability. Cultural competency is a process. not a static destination.
What Is Gray Area Drinking and What Can I do About it?
Learning To Meditate