Art, Dance, Poetry & Writing

Sexy Weakness – The Sexual Power of Emotional Vulnerability

Sexy weakness? What on earth is that? As a man, like millions of other men, I was taught that being vulnerable was bad and a sign of being weak. I was taught women want a man who is strong, stable, and "tough," whatever the heck that means. I was taught that you keep your emotions in check and never let anyone see who you really are. Like never. It has taken me decades to unlearn some of this programming. Parts of it were easy and simple to leave behind; other elements took longer and needed more attention and intention. More importantly, women did not feel safe around ...

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The Six Types of Courage

Doubt - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Will Smith
Courage. Bravery. Boldness. Fearlessness. When I think of courage, I see an image of someone standing by themselves with shredded clothes full of blood and sweat. Other images of courage that appear in my mind are a parent carrying children through a storm or desert or a group of people holding hands with eyes filled with tears, caring for each other as if there is no other choice but to love and love more. I recall an image of a person in the flood water of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina bringing supplies to their family....

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When Trauma Blocking Gets in the Way

First Degree Reiki Training October 10 & 11!

First Degree Reiki Training at Providence Zen Center - Providence Life Coaching Reiki Counseling - Woman receiving reiki treatment.
First Degree Reiki Training in Providence Saturday October 10 & 11 from 1:00-6:00. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is where all new Reiki students begin their Reiki Training. In this class, students receive all four First Degree Reiki Attunements, practice sharing and receiving Reiki and be ready to share Reiki with friends, family and emergency situations. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is offered as a two-day Training. The fee for the two-day training is $175.  

First Degree Reiki Training - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach and Reiki - Michael Swerdloff


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Is The Spiritual Movement Counter-Productive?

Providence Holistic Counseling Services
When you think about the current spiritual movement, what image or images come into your mind's eye? Do you think of a specific style or fashion? Who does your mind create as "spiritual"? What do they look and talk like? What color skin or body type do they have? What jargon do they use to tell you how "spiritual" they are? I have been fascinated and, at times, felt saddened by how spirituality has become more of an industry than a practice. My Teacher always used to say to me whenever I thought I was becoming "spiritual," which still sticks with me today, especially in regard to how I market and promote my professionalism in private practice. She would say, "Michael, you need to keep your practice in the basement". I knew she was not literally referring to me setting up an office or a place to meditate in the basement; although I have done that before, she meant that I need to stay vigilant about thinking I have arrived and/or I am special. This does not mean I am any less special than anyone else. I am special in my way as you are special in your way, as equals, not more or less special. The ego is relentless in its pursuit of creating an illusion in our minds that we "know something" that others do not know, or, in more current lingo, that we are "woke." Is The Spiritual Movement Counter-Productive? - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...

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Dear Therapists & Counselors – A Letter From A Fellow Human

What a beautiful letter by the client of a therapist. It feels great to be acknowledged in this way for all therapists and counselors. COVID-19 has created a sudden crisis in people who need support. We are here and will continue to be here when you need us. I am grateful to share my skills, knowledge, and experience with so many people who are experiencing great challenges right now and throughout life. The pandemic has created a whole new set of life obstacles for us mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. Please know you are not alone and that support is available. No one needs to go through this or any traumatic experiences alone. YOU MATTER AND ARE NEEDED! Dear Therapists & Counselors - A Letter From A Fellow Human - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach and Reiki ...

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Being Better Humans Support Group

We have an amazing Support Group for Everyone! We have been meeting every other Monday on Zoom! Come join the circle!

What are we doing?

We are a group of people discussing their honest feelings on relationships, drugs, love, sex, money, and work. We’ll pick a topic, trade stories, have a moderated discussion, and maybe scream, cry, or yell (if needed). We’ll dive in deep and not let fear keep us from expressing who we really are. We’ll explore what makes us amazing and far from amazing, where we need to grow and what gets in the way of growing, how to trust ourselves and others and what obstacles get in the way of trust. We’ll find what environments support our safety, and how to set boundaries in those that don’t. Most importantly, we’ll just practice being our authentic selves. We may include meditation, movement and other practices designed to create clarity, presence and truth. What we do will be guided by what shows up at every session. We will have assignments between sessions to reflect more deeply and practice whatever we worked on together. Being Better Humans Support Group - Michael swerdloff Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach and Reiki


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