Parenting & Family
7 Double Standards That Hurt Men and Women
I have followed and read The Good Men Project for years. I find their commitment is very helpful in shaping how, as a culture, we move forward toward equality and raising amazing boys and girls. I wanted to share with you 7 Double Standards That Hurt Men and Women. The double standards it highlights illustrate how we can create negative impressions of men and women without even noticing. These stereotypes hurt all of us. I am curious of the seven double standards they explore, which is the one that you find the most glaring?
Men who live life differently often run ...
They See a Dark Shadow, You See the Bright Light that Casts It
Are you a bright light? Are you shining at your highest intensity? What do you need to become the bright light you were meant to be?
They see a dark shadow; you see the bright light that casts it. They see the night; you see the moon. They see a mistake; you see a lesson.
Published on LinkedIn on January 30, 2018
Oleg Vishnepolsky
A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the World.” Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt�...
Bad Words – Not The Ones You May Think
Bad Words. We all use them. Some of us even take pride in the frequency and force of how we use them. But which bad words are actually, well, bad? There are George Carlin's Seven Words You Can't Say on TV. Are they the true bad words?Each one of us has our definition of bad words. These inner lists may come from our family, our neighborhood or culture. When I was an English Teacher in South Korea, I was amazed at how Koreans do not get offended by a kid giving an adult "the middle finger". It happens very regularly. Also fascinating is that Koreans are very offended by the ...
Tich Nhat Hahn Interview with Oprah Winfrey
This is a beautiful Tich Nhat Hahn Interview with Oprah Winfrey. Tich Nhat Hahn is one of the great Teachers of our time. For those who do not know of him, Tich Nhat Hahn has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace and an anti-war activist during the Vietnam War, which is his native land. He has taught me many things about meditation and mindfulness. He has several monastic communities around the world, with the head Temple named Plum Village in Southeast France. Martin Luther King Jr. called Tich That Hahn, "an apostle of peace and nonviolence".
The 4 Qualities Of A Conscious Relationship
A few years back, I wrote a piece for Providence Life Coach Dating Success Series - Conscious Coupling . When I saw the article, which is copied below, The 4 Qualities Of A Conscious Relationship, I thought it was time to add some new content to this conversation on creating positive, lasting relationships. I really appreciate what Shelly Bullard has written, especially the first quality; "The conscious couple is not attached to the outcome of the relationship - growth comes first." This is so important and often overlooked. We are so desperate to make relationships last that we forget that our personal and collective growth as people is an even greater goal. If we grow, our relationship grows; it is inevitable. Many people grow to "save" the relationship. This is courageous, but it is also an end to a means. We need to grow whether the relationship continues or not.
A Valuable Life Lesson – The Mayonnaise Jar
A Valuable Life Lesson For A Happier Life is an interesting demonstration of some important life lessons about priorities and relationships.
What are your thoughts on A Valuable Life Lesson For A Happier Life? Does it apply to your relationships, career, family, health or spiritual life? What do you disagree with this demonstration of A Valuable Life Lesson For A Happier Life?
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