Parenting & Family
I Want To Know How Human You Are
Can we be unmistakenly human? Are we willing to dive completely into the full human experience without holding back?
How human are you? I mean, really human without masks, protection, and deception?
I invite you to read Taylor Rose Godfrey's painfully beautiful essay on being human in Elephant Journal with an open heart and mind....
Why I Keep My Car & Desk Messy
Why I Keep My Car & Desk Messy.
I have another article published in the Elephant Journal. Here is an excerpt. The full article can be accessed through the link below.
"When I used to consume alcohol and drugs, everything in my life was messy. My bedroom was messy. My refrigerator was messy. My bathroom was messy. My laundry was messy. My car was messy. My relationships were messy. My legal situation was messy. My finances were messy. My friendships were messy. My mind was messy. My body was messy. If I got involved, it would be messy."
Please read the full article ...
First Degree Reiki Training June 19 & 20!
A Special First Degree Reiki Training Monday and Tuesday, June 19 & 20, 2023, from 1:00-6:00. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is where all new Reiki students begin their Reiki Training. In this class, students receive all four First Degree Reiki Attunements, practice sharing and receiving Reiki, and be ready to share Reiki with friends, family, and emergency situations. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is offered as a two-day Training. The fee for the two-day training is $175. Location in Warren, RI.
Rhode Island Reiki Training - The Usui ...
Fight Languages: How we Argue Is Key to Healthy Relationships
For those of you who have been reading my posts for a while, you are aware of The Rules For Fair Fighting in Relationships. Many of you know the Five Love Languages Gary Chapman, Ph.D., introduced. If not, you can learn about them easily here. What are the five love languages? The concept of fight languages having a name is new to me. I understood the principles but did not have a term to express them.
How we fight with our partner(s), friends, family, and neighbors often defines the nature of our relationships. Understanding how your partner or friends/family argue is essential to creating thoughtful, loving resolutions, trust, and safety....
My Fantasy of the Dalai Lama was Shattered & I am Sad Today
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed yesterday and noticed that a friend I respect and admire had made a casual, sarcastic, and off-putting comment about the Dalai Lama.
My initial reaction was, “What the f*ck?”
Anger, betrayal, and rejection of my friend, not the Dalai Lama, rose inside me. She does not typically speak harshly of people.
So, I did what we did in 2023: I did a Google search on the Dalai Lama. The first eight articles were about him and his life. When I read the ninth, my heart sank, and my spine went limp for a split second.
“The ...
Brought Back to Life By A Dance Class
What do we need to be brought back to life? We all get stuck from time to time. The "sparkplug" differs from person to person and depends on where we are in our lives and the circumstances we are experiencing.
"I don’t have a lot of wisdom to offer, but I do know that showing up was an act of self-care." Daphnée...