Race & Culture

The World Needs More Healers—Not More Flakes.

This morning, Elephant Journal published one of my articles, The World Needs More Healers—Not More Flakes,  and it is an editor's Pick of The Week! Here is an excerpt from The World Needs More Healers—Not More Flakes.:   I don’t know how this came to be, but somehow the new age community thinks that one has to be a flake in order to be a healer. "I can tell you with complete certainty one can be a healer, shaman, teacher, or Reiki Master without being a flake. The shift toward flakiness is curious. I am grateful that the dogmatic version of spiritu...

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First Degree Reiki Training February 11 & 12, 2023!

A Special First Degree Reiki Training Saturday & Sunday, February 11 & 12, 2023 from 1:00-6:00. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is where all new Reiki students begin their Reiki Training. In this class, students receive all four First Degree Reiki Attunements, practice sharing and receiving Reiki, and be ready to share Reiki with friends, family, and emergency situations. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is offered as a two-day Training. The fee for the two-day training is $175. Location in Warren, RI. Rhode Island Reiki Training - The ...

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Are You Really Being Accountable?

In the last handful of years, there has been an increased focus on accountability and taking responsibility for our actions. I have really appreciated the energy and attention to wanting to do and be better, primarily birthed by Gen Z and Millennials. It’s about time! But are we truly being accountable, or are we just telling people what we’ve done wrong and why we did it? I invite you to read the full article on being accountable, including the steps to cleaning up mistakes here: Are you really being accountable? Being responsible and accountable is about ...

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Empath or Trauma Response?

Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters - From Mobster To Reiki Master - healthy Masculinity - recovery - healing - self-help - traumaBook Release: Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters - From Mobster to Reiki Master, A Memoir of Awakening & Transformation. Find out more about this exciting new book here.

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                    Are you an empath, or are trauma responses being expressed from childhood? In recent years, a number of people who have identified themselves as empaths have expressed an attitude of superiority to those who are not empaths. They think they are "special." I find this troubling on multiple levels. An empath is not something that you train or study to become; it is typically a response to childhood trauma and a heightened sense of vigilance. Is experiencing a challenging childhood a reason to feel superior to others?

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Stop Trying To Fix Me – I Am Not Broken

I am not broken. As often is the case when we try to "fix" somebody, we inadvertently tell them we think they are broken. Why would something need to be "fixed" if it is not broken? This poem by Jeff Foster is a beautiful Illustration of a person who has the strength and courage to say, "I am not broken!". I am not a lost cat with a broken leg, a muffler, or a hot water heater. I am a human being who deserves respect, care, affection, and attention. I am not broken. It is not your job to fix me, nor is it wanted or helpful. Love me instead....

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Why Connection Matters

Connection matters. It is easy to forget how important connecting with others is, but connection matters. A sense of belonging and acceptance can be essential to our experience of self, safety, and trust. I generally do not publish posts this long, but all three excerpts helped create a complete picture of why connection matters.  I want to add one element to the discussion of why connection matters.

This is similar to when people use the inaccurate phrase, "You can't love anybody else unless you love yourself first."  My experience has demonstrated that we can't know ourselves without being connected to others to reflect who we are, not who we want to believe we are, so we feel better about ourselves. I know deep inside that I am a thoughtful, compassionate, and caring human being because those character traits are expressed easily and organically when I am connected with other humans. When I am not connected with other humans, I have to rely on my current self-assessment to determine whether those things are true or not. History has taught me, and most of us, that our inner narrative is typically either false or one of many parts of a whole self, not the actual whole person.

The problem with the statement, "You can't love anybody else unless you love yourself first." is that very few people, if any, can love themselves without experiencing love in their life. We need to feel love to love ourselves.  We have to know what love feels like to love ourselves. This is another reason why connection matters.  When we feel connected and have a sense of belonging, it is much easier to love ourselves and others. Without feeling love, I can be a bit of a crapshoot....

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This Sculpture Shows The Inner Child In Us – Love

Book Release: Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters - From Mobster to Reiki Master, A Memoir of Awakening & Transformation. Find out more about this exciting new book here. Buy Your Copy Now!                     We all have a little boy or little girl inside us, or both. Many people refer to this part of ourselves as the Inner Child. The term Inner Child gets used a lot these days, but what is the Inner Child? I like the description below. "The inner child lives in ...

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