Race & Culture

Three Ways to Practice Forgiveness Meditation

Do you practice forgiveness? When was the last time that you felt as if you were betrayed or disrespected by someone in your life? What did you silently, or not so silently, need on a deep, core level?

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Conflict Resolution Workshop – Individuals & Couples!

I am thrilled to be offering a three-session Conflict Resolution Workshop at Kindred Community Acupuncture in Rhode Island on the border of Pawtucket and Providence! The three dates are April 6th and 20th, and May 4th all from 3:30 - 5:30. I have scheduled the dates two weeks apart so that all participants have time to practice their new skills in the real world and return to share experiences, challenges and questions. Conflict Resolution Workshop - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counseling, Coaching and Reiki Everyone is welcome to participate in this training; whether you are joining us by yourself, a friend, a family member, or a partner, you are welcome to join us. It is recommended that you take part in all three sessions, especially the first on April 6th....

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Personal and Spiritual Development Group!

Personal and Spiritual Development Group - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counseling Coaching and Reiki
Personal & Spiritual Development Group Elements  1) Each group session will begin with a quick check-in to help us be present. 2) We will move into a guided meditation. 3) A topic will be introduced. 4) A discussion of the topic will emerge. 5) The group will engage in processing the topic, along with anything that comes up organically in discussion.This will be the largest allotment of our time together. 6) We will complete our session with a closing meditation together.   What forms of meditation will we experience? We will practice and experiment with ...

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Anger A Secondary Emotion – What Are We Protecting?

Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters - From Mobster To Reiki Master - healthy Masculinity - recovery - healing - self-help - traumaBook Release: Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters - From Mobster to Reiki Master, A Memoir of Awakening & Transformation. Find out more about this exciting new book here.

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Many years ago, the psychologist who turned my life around once told me, "Michael, anger is a secondary emotion. You must feel another emotion first before you can experience anger. The primary emotion is typically fear, sometimes sadness or pain." Of course, I became even angrier when she said this! I remember thinking, "Fear, I am not scared of anything. I'm pissed off, not scared!" Her words haunted me. In the following weeks and months, every time I became angry, I often heard her in the back of my head whispering, "Michael, anger is a secondary emotion. You must feel another emotion first before you can experience anger." Notice how the fear part was left out of my process? Eventually, the part about fear also made its way into my process. That is when the shift began for me.

Anger - A Secondary Emotion - Providence Holistic Counseling Services...

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Can You Go Crazy from Lack Of Touch? Life of the Skin-Hungry

Tantra Is NOT Love - Tantra And Sacred Sex - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
We all need touch. We may feel like we don't, but we do. Even those among us who have suffered physical trauma from the hands of others need touch. For some people, touch may come with some challenges; this does not mean it is less important; it needs some navigating for touch to be a positive experience. 
What happens when we do not receive enough physical touch?  The answer varies from person to person, but we all suffer from feeling "untouchable" or untouched. This may express itself as depression, anxiety, loneliness, isolation, aggression, anger, sadness, or many forms of physical or emotional pain. The key is to learn what means of touch and physical affection are most supportive to you and when.
The Life of the Skin-Hungry: Can You Go Crazy from a Lack Of Touch? - Providence Holistic Counseling Services


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Acknowledging Pain Is Highest Form of Support

Simply acknowledging someone else's pain or suffering is such a powerful means of support. It lets them know you are listening, you care, and that they matter. When someone we know is suffering, we want to help. For many of us, our initial response is to offer them advice, guidance, or "positive thoughts". Our intention is in the right place, although not nearly as effective as acknowledging their experience. If your goal is to provide help that facilitates a change, I invite you to consider acknowledging them before any other form of support.


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They See a Dark Shadow, You See the Bright Light that Casts It

Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and The Shadow - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
Are you a bright light? Are you shining at your highest intensity? What do you need to become the bright light you were meant to be? They see a dark shadow; you see the bright light that casts it. They see the night; you see the moon. They see a mistake; you see a lesson. Published on LinkedIn on January 30, 2018 Oleg Vishnepolsky A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the World.” Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: 1. Egypt�...

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