Race & Culture

Bad Words – Not The Ones You May Think

Bad Words - Not The Ones You May Think - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
Bad Words. We all use them. Some of us even take pride in the frequency and force of how we use them. But which bad words are actually, well, bad? There are George Carlin's Seven Words You Can't Say on TV. Are they the true bad words?Each one of us has our definition of bad words. These inner lists may come from our family, our neighborhood or culture. When I was an English Teacher in South Korea, I was amazed at how Koreans do not get offended by a kid giving an adult "the middle finger". It happens very regularly. Also fascinating is that Koreans are very offended by the ...

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Building Bridges or Building Walls

Look Up and Get Connected - Providence Holistic Counseling Services -Dating Is Scary, But Why? Part I - The Breakup - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - illusion of separateness rich nhat hanh
In relationships, we typically either build bridges or walls. When we build bridges, we work towards connection, intimacy, and safety. In contrast, when we build walls, we move towards distance, isolation, discomfort, and/or lack of safety. When we think about conflict resolution, it usually comes down to building bridges or walls. Building Bridges or Building Walls - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Amaryllis Fox Everybody believes they are the good guy

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Listen To Their Story – Ex-CIA Undercover Officer

Personal and Spiritual Development Group - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counseling Coaching and Reiki
The video below is titled "Former Undercover CIA Officer Talks War And Peace." While I was listening and watching, what was loudest to me was how this applies to everyday life, not just foreign wars. What if we listen to their story as a practice we all follow when trying to resolve conflicts with partners, lovers, friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers? Listen To Their Story - Ex-CIA Undercover Officer - Holding Hands Diversity ...

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4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead)

4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead) - Providence Holistic Counseling Services

When I read 4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead), I stepped back and laid down my professional training and experience to get out of the way and just take in what the author, Akilah S. Richards, shared. I am glad I did! Her insights and experience as mother and daughter are right on the mark with my own professional understanding of tween girls. I encourage you not to make the assumption that this only applies to tween Girls of Color; you would be incorrect. In fact, if you shift some of the details just a bit, the same challenges and solutions apply to tween boys, although they may not be as obvious. I am interested in hearing about your experiences with tween girls (and boys) and the solutions the author shares in 4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead).

4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead)


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Playing For Change

Playing For Change - providence Holistic Counseling Services - music-memories not just the song
Playing for Change is a multimedia music project created by the American producer and sound engineer Mark Johnson with his Timeless Media Group, that seeks to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. Playing For Change also created a separate non-profit organization called the Playing For Change Foundation, which builds music schools for children around the world. Wikipedia

Gimme Shelter Playing For Change Video

https://youtu.be/GJtq6OmD-_Y ...

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Who Wants Change?

Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Rumi - Change - Portrait of a boy with the map of the world painted on his face.
Who wants change? Are you willing to commit to change? In yourself? Your family? The world? who wants change - who wants to change - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...

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