Race & Culture
Bad Words – Not The Ones You May Think
Bad Words. We all use them. Some of us even take pride in the frequency and force of how we use them. But which bad words are actually, well, bad? There are George Carlin's Seven Words You Can't Say on TV. Are they the true bad words?Each one of us has our definition of bad words. These inner lists may come from our family, our neighborhood or culture. When I was an English Teacher in South Korea, I was amazed at how Koreans do not get offended by a kid giving an adult "the middle finger". It happens very regularly. Also fascinating is that Koreans are very offended by the ...
Building Bridges or Building Walls
In relationships, we typically either build bridges or walls. When we build bridges, we work towards connection, intimacy, and safety. In contrast, when we build walls, we move towards distance, isolation, discomfort, and/or lack of safety. When we think about conflict resolution, it usually comes down to building bridges or walls.
