Online Counseling & Coaching
I am accepting online counseling & coaching clients through Zoom or FaceTime! This allows us to work together if you are outside my local area or prefer working online. I find this work supportive and effective. I invite you to contact me to schedule our first session today.My work is Brief Holistic Counseling/Coaching. We will typically work together for six months or 8-12 sessions, depending on your treatment plan and what is needed. You will be given “homework assignments” to work on between sessions. These “assignments” will be a mix of internal(reflection/awareness) and external(research/actions) to aid in your growth and development. My experience over the last twenty-five years has demonstrated that the work between sessions creates the momentum, hope, and focus to achieve what we are working on in such a short amount of time. This is what makes Brief Holistic Counseling so effective! When we have an “expiration date”, we become highly motivated to succeed and shift the challenges we are experiencing!
Online Counseling & Coaching: Long Distance Connections
I have had the opportunity to work with people from all over the globe through online counseling. This allows me to support people from throughout the United States and beyond! This is helpful for people who feel we are a good fit and live in other locations and time zones.
Advantages of Online Therapy
Online therapy offers access to mental health information to people in rural or remote areas. Those who live in such areas simply might not have access to any other form of mental health treatment because there are no mental health practices in their geographic area. E-therapy gives these individuals access to treatment that they might not have otherwise.
Online Therapy Makes Information More Accessible
It Can Also Be an Educational Tool
Online Counseling & Coaching For Folks On The Move
Some people have very fluid lives. Due to family, relationships, or work, they travel or are on the road often. This makes it hard for those who want support to connect with their counselor frequently and/or consistently. Online counseling is an alternative or supplemental treatment for those who just can’t commit to regular in-person counseling or coaching.
Online Counseling: Couples Living In Separate Locations
Some couples live in different homes or share a home plus another home elsewhere due to family, work, or school. We all know how challenging long-distance relationships can be. All you have to do is watch late-night TV to witness sitcoms and romantic comedies about these challenges. Online counseling can be a solution since you can meet with the same couple’s counselor simultaneously from your separate locations. I have experienced tremendous success working with long-distance couples who struggle with receiving support and guidance when experiencing rough patches in their relationship.
Online Counseling: More Comfortable In Your Living Room?
Some folks among us just feel safer and more comfortable in the privacy of their own home. In the past, this was an obstacle for those who wanted counseling or coaching but do not feel safe or comfortable meeting in an office. This can be especially true for some people who have experienced extreme trauma(s). Online counseling is an alternative or a stepping stone to in-person counseling or coaching.
Online Counseling: Millennials & Gen Z Rejoice!
O.K., you win! We can meet online and do our work without you ever having to leave your home. Well, not really, you still will have to leave your home eventually, but at least not to work on your issues and challenges. Online counseling makes complete sense for an online generation!
Schedule your first online counseling or coaching session today!
Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach & Reiki Location and Rates
My office is in Warren, RI. I do not accept insurance. I offer a sliding scale fee ($95-$175) based on your own discernment of need. I accept cash, checks, Venmo, Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, and Pay Pal.
I invite you to contact me to see if we are a good fit to work together.