What Is Reiki?
I have been a practicing Traditional Usui Reiki Teaching Master since 1995. I am currently available for in-person Reiki sessions, Reiki Treatments, and facilitating Reiki Training for individuals and small groups. Reiki has changed my life profoundly. It is part of my daily meditation practice and most aspects of my life. I am trained and proficient as a Reiki Counselor; it is my specialty.I find defining Traditional Usui Reiki in written form challenging. It always sounds very “hokie” to me. I have copied a practical description from The International Center For Reiki Training below.
“Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing energy made up of life force energy that is guided by the Higher Intelligence, or spiritually guided life force energy. This is a functional definition as it closely parallels the experience of those who practice Reiki in that Reiki energy seems to have an intelligence of its own flowing where it is needed in the client and creating the healing conditions necessary for the individuals needs. It cannot be guided by the mind, therefore it is not limited by the experience or ability of the practitioner. Nether can it be misused as it always creates a healing effect. ( It must be kept in mind that Reiki is not the same as simple life force energy as life force energy by itself can be influenced by the mind and because of this, can create benefit as well as cause problems including ill health.)”
Reiki Definition
“Reiki is a form of therapy that uses simple hands-on, no-touch, and visualization techniques, with the goal of improving the flow of life energy in a person. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) means “universal life energy” in Japanese, and Reiki practitioners are trained to detect and alleviate problems of energy flow on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Reiki touch therapy is used in much the same way to achieve similar effects that traditional massage therapy is used—to relieve stress and pain, and to improve the symptoms of various health conditions.
Reiki Purpose
Reiki claims to provide many of the same benefits as traditional massage therapy, such as reducing stress, stimulating the immune system, increasing energy, and relieving the pain and symptoms of health conditions. Practitioners have reported success in helping patients with acute and chronic illnesses, from asthma and arthritis to trauma and recovery from surgery. Reiki is a gentle and safe technique, and has been used successfully in some hospitals. It has been found to be very calming and reassuring for those suffering from severe or fatal conditions. Reiki can been used by doctors, nurses, psychologists and other health professionals to bring touch and deeper caring into their healing practices.” Medical-Dictionary, The Free Dictionary
Penn Medicine at University of Pennsylvania on Reiki Treatment
“At Penn Medicine, complementary or integrative medicine and wellness services supplement traditional cancer treatments. Reiki therapy may supplement the traditional treatment services, such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy, provided to cancer patients. Reiki may offer patients ways to enhance the quality of their lives, minimize or reduce side effects of cancer and cancer treatment, and promote healing and recovery.
The physicians at Penn Medicine are knowledgeable and supportive of complementary cancer treatments. The cancer team works with patients and families to integrate these supportive programs into the overall care plan, while ensuring the safety and health of patients.” Penn Medicine
Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling Location and Rates
My office is in Warren, Rhode Island. I do not accept insurance. I offer a sliding scale fee ($95-$175) based on your own discernment of need. I accept cash, checks, Venmo, and Pay Pal.
I invite you to contact me via email at [email protected] to see if we are a good fit to work together.