Being Better Humans Support Group
What are we doing?
We are a group of people discussing their honest feelings on relationships, drugs, love, sex, money, and work. We’ll pick a topic, trade stories, have a moderated discussion, and maybe scream, cry, or yell (if needed).
We’ll dive in deep and not let fear keep us from expressing who we really are. We’ll explore what makes us amazing and far from amazing, where we need to grow and what gets in the way of growing, how to trust ourselves and others and what obstacles get in the way of trust. We’ll find what environments support our safety, and how to set boundaries in those that don’t. Most importantly, we’ll just practice being our authentic selves.
We may include meditation, movement and other practices designed to create clarity, presence and truth. What we do will be guided by what shows up at every session. We will have assignments between sessions to reflect more deeply and practice whatever we worked on together.
Why are we gathering?
It doesn’t always feel clear how to be authentic in today’s world, so let’s help each other figure it out together. We each have our own definition of what makes an exceptional person. I doubt any two of us will define this exactly the same, and that is OK. If we honestly engage in conversation, we have the opportunity to clarify and expand our own definition, and a map to get there. How can we go in the right direction if we don’t know where it is we are headed?
I think we are all fed up with society’s definition of being successful. Let’s create our own! A way to be that respects all people, including ourselves. We want to do better and be better, but often get tangled up in our own resistance and confusion fueled by doubt and a deep fear of failure. Honesty, humility and belonging can be the springboard to moving forward. Have you had enough of trying but not experiencing the level of excellence, expansion and overall contentment in life that you know exists within each of us? If this feels true for you, come join the circle!
Who can join our support group?
Anyone who is ready to do the work necessary to be amazing, beautiful and alive. You are welcome because of, and in spite of, who you are and where you have come from. Please do not let gender, race, class, religion, culture, education or any other barriers keep you from being part of this opportunity. You are needed and wanted in our support group.
When we will get together?
Bi-Weekly on Monday nights from 5:45 – 7:15 on Zoom. Come join the circle.
Is there cash involved?
Yes. We are asking for a sliding scale donation of $10-$45 each support group session. You determine your own rate after an honest assessment of resources. You will never need to justify your contribution. We trust you and want you present!
For more information and to join us, we invite you to contact Michael directly @ [email protected].
Come complete the circle. This is our time to move forward as individuals and as a group.
Your Group Facilitators
I have been a highly sensitive person for as long as I can remember. As a child, I didn’t have the tools to process my emotions in a healthy way, so instead I chased numbness through self-destructive behaviors. I laid the liar in me to rest when my high school lover tragically died. As I stood over his grave I decided I wanted to change. My quest for forgiveness and understanding led me to Spirit. I gained faith in a divine plan and adopted Truth as a core value. In my personal healing journey writing, music and movement have been instrumental.
My experience with Reiki and Thai bodywork has revealed the way emotions and memories get stored in our bodies as pain and suffering. These practices have taught me how to be an energetic and physical conduit for the healing of others. As a student and teacher of bellydance, I have gained increased self confidence and connection to divine feminine empowerment.
My Bachelors degree in Human Studies facilitated my understanding of the impact of social roles on the human psyche. This unique pairing of experiences along with an invaluable passion for a more compassionate world make me the human and healer that I am today. I’d love the honor of learning what makes you, you!
I was working as a Retail Store Manager with Radio Shack in 1992 and taking a class at William Paterson University: Introduction To Social Work. One day, a woman was yelling at her son in my store and starting to hit him with great force. It bothered me and I could not figure out what to do. That night in class I asked my professor what she would do in that same situation. She replied flatly, “I would become a Social Worker.” I did. I quit my job of eight years and that’s how this started… sort of.
I’ve been a Social Worker, Counselor, Educator, Community Organizer, Life Coach, Reiki Counselor, Teacher, Mentor, Traditional Usui Reiki Teaching Master and Spiritual Guide ever since. I’ve tried to the point of breaking, to find my way in this world flying solo, it didn’t work. I am not an expert on anything. I have clarity about us humans, and what works and doesn’t, I am not always right, but at least headed in the right direction. I listen a lot and effectively, even though I talk a lot. I’m intense, fun, funny and incredibly resourceful. I’ve survived deserts (The Gobi), addictions (who hasn’t), recovery, therapy (she was persistent), success (professional, personal & spiritual), injury (back, spine), loss (too many to list), gifts (wisdom, intuition, intelligence, creativity) and obstacles (wisdom, intuition, intelligence, creativity, ego, arrogance, ignorance). Still standing. Come stand with me! I’m good at what I do.
The job titles and descriptions change, but my work is the same: listening, sharing, holding, breathing, meditating, laughing, crying and caring.
Come complete the Circle!
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