78 results for tag: Change Behavior
Meditation Training in Rhode Island!
I am very excited to offer Meditation Training in Rhode Island! This three-part series will be excellent for beginners and those who already have a meditation practice. We will cover the basics of meditation and various styles and methods. We will have real-life experiences with each style, plus time to practice. This meditation training series is constructed so that you will have two weeks between each session to practice.
"Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better, it’s about befriending who we are." – Ani Pema Chodron ...
Personal and Spiritual Development Group!
Personal & Spiritual Development Group Elements
1) Each group session will begin with a quick check-in to help us be present.
2) We will move into a guided meditation.
3) A topic will be introduced.
4) A discussion of the topic will emerge.
5) The group will engage in processing the topic, along with anything that comes up organically in discussion.This will be the largest allotment of our time together.
6) We will complete our session with a closing meditation together.
What forms of meditation will we experience?
We will practice and experiment with several forms of sitting meditation including breath watching, mantra, chanting, ...