78 results for tag: Change Behavior

Think You Are Not Good Enough? Please Read

I think all of us, at some point or another, question whether we are good enough. This is why I wanted to share with you 8 Things To Remember When You Think You're Not Good Enough from Collective Evolution. This insightful piece by Joe Martino does an excellent job of offering thoughts on shifting that moment when we think we are not good enough to accept ourselves as we are....

Keep Your Promises: Your Kids Rely On It

If you have never read the blog Almighty Dad, I invite you to do so. Keith is a thoughtful and dedicated parent who shares his experiences, successes, and challenges.  When I first read his post, Keep Your Promises Your: Kids Rely On It, I felt a pinch in my belly. Who has not experienced being let down on a promise by your parents as a child or making a promise to a child and not fulfilling it? The expression on a child's face when you don't keep your promises is downright painful to see! Is there a greater disappointment for a child than when you do not keep your promises?...

Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks

It is not surprising how much research has developed proving the healing and healthy effects of meditation and mindfulness training. This new Harvard study proving that Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain feels like a breakthrough, but to those of us doing this work for decades, it feels long overdue....


Doubt. Just writing the word stirs something inside me. I'm aware of feeling uncomfortable just seeing it, and since I'm using voice recognition software, saying it out loud. Doubt. Where does doubt come from? Are we taught doubt? Is doubt ingrained in our DNA? I wonder how much our life experiences influence the degree of doubt that expresses itself in our minds and bodies. ...

What is The Difference Between Freedom and Lack of Self-Discipline?

Identifying the difference between freedom and lack of self-discipline is an essential teaching on our journey as spiritual beings. Thich Nhat Hanh offers us perspective to help those struggling with this important concern for anyone with or wanting to have a spiritual practice, whether it is meditation, Hatha Yoga, Tai Qi, Qi Gong or any other regular spiritual practice....

Things Your Couples Counselor Already Knows About Your Relationship

We all know every relationship is unique. We also know that most relationships have many similar characteristics. As a Relationship Coach and Couples Counselor, I smiled when I read 6 Things Your Couples Therapist Already Knows About Your Relationship by , on Huffington Post. Truly, there are things your couples counselor already knows about your relationship. I included an excerpt and their list from the original article, but you will need to read the article for Abby Rodman's particular take on couples counseling.  I would also like to add to the list, The Relationship Blame Game.


The Feminist Guide To Non-Creepy Flirting

I was reading The Feminist Guide to Non-Creepy Flirting and thought it may be helpful to share with readers. I know many men see the word "feminist" and immediately stop reading or become defensive. For the men that this applies to, I invite you to hang in there and reap the benefits of the wisdom and knowledge helping you connect with women that you want to meet. I do not believe anything that is written below is either offensive or disrespectful. In fact, I wish when I was young, the information that is shared here was available to me. I am certain many women along the way would have been grateful as well! I hope you enjoy the Feminist Guide to Non-Creepy Flirting as much as I did....