78 results for tag: Change Behavior
Spiritual Greed and Gluttony – Dark Night of The Soul
I remember about a dozen years ago, I was going through a particularly challenging time that felt like a hopeless period In my personal and spiritual development. Among other things, my mentor suggested that I read and meditate on Dark Night Of The Soul by St. John of The Cross. She suggested I pay close attention to the teachings on spiritual greed and gluttony. I immediately became furious at her but pretended as if I was okay. Of course, she knew better. Like any "good student" who wants to prove to his mentor just how good a student he is, I left her and directly went to buy a copy of the book.
The Relationship Blame Game
Couples counseling can be a window into how couples communicate in relationships. I have noticed lately how many couples play the relationship blame game. The relationship blame game is when both people in the relationship name all the problems that have caused conflict, stress, pressure, distance, or any other relationship challenges as being due to their partner, not themselves. This is what I call the relationship blame game....
Why You Don’t Need To Be Right All The Time
The need to be right can, at times, feel like a drug. Our culture often reinforces this need to be right all the time through the media, politics, and our education system. But what if you found out the reasons why you don't need to be right all the time? Is knowing the potential consequences of needing to be right all the time enough to create space for letting the rest of the 7 billion people who you share the planet with also be right sometimes?...
A Year Without Alcohol
A Year Without Alcohol is an awesome blog post by Kelly Fitzgerald about her year without alcohol. Kelly's experiences are fairly normal for someone making a choice to become sober and lead a sober lifestyle. I am including her story because it is important for people to read the experiences of those who may be going through something similar and know it can and will get better.
A Social Experiment in First Impressions
I thought this was an interesting social experiment in first impressions. I do not think it proves anything, but it is still interesting. It is fun watching the different responses people have as they interpret characteristics of people based on little more than first impressions. I think it would be fun to conduct a similar experiment with a variable that isn't part of a marketing campaign....
25 Signs You’re Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It)
Whenever I see posts like "3 easy ___" or 25 Signs You're ______", I am skeptical at best. Life rarely fits into neat little lists that are supposed to let you know anything about yourself that is productive or of substance. I do appreciate those who take the time to catalog information easily digestible. This is where the post titled, "25 Signs You're Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It)" by Shannon Kaiser feels like it might at least point in the direction of what succeeding at life may feel like for a significant group of people. Not all listed apply to all of us, but I think there is value in reflecting on this particular list to see where you are seeing progress and where to focus more energy and attention.