86 results for tag: Change

1 is 2 Many: Men Standing Against Sexual Assault

It is both inspiring and somewhat comical to be putting your focus in the same place as the White House. Pres. Obama and VP Biden have just released a new PSA as part of their, 1 is 2 Many campaign, including famous male actors, The President and Vice President themselves supporting and standing against sexual assault and violence towards women. It is great to see famous men standing up for women. But I can't lie; the first thing that came to my mind was, "It's about time!" ...

Portraits of Reconciliation – Forgiveness in Action

As a generally sensitive and caring person, I feel something when I read about human suffering or accomplishments. Our species and experiences rivet me. I am rarely moved to the extent that Portraits of Reconciliation from The New York Times has moved me through acts of forgiveness in action. The images and descriptions are profound, providing vivid insight into the experiences of genocide from the lens of perpetrator and survivor in a way we Americans cannot fathom. We were all shaken to different degrees by 9/11, but this is completely different, another plane of existence. ...

Mindfulness and A “We” Focus

We often hear these days that the current climate in America is that of a "me orientation" versus a "we orientation".  We see signs of this throughout our lives regularly. People rarely seem to have time for anyone but themselves and their families, but I think if we dig a little deeper, evidence that many people are living with a focus more on us than me exists. We-focused people are not as readily in the spotlight as those who are more me-focused. Mindfulness and a we focus are beginning to set roots quietly without press or fanfare.


Overcoming Fear is Not as Easy as a Bumper Sticker Slogan

I bumped into this article today by accident: Overcoming Fear is Not as Easy as a Bumper Sticker Slogan. I am very grateful for this and the many accidents I make that guide me to where I need to be, not always where I want to be. Overcoming fear can be paralyzing to some people in certain circumstances. Fear is the four-letter word that begins with "F," which can feel like a much dirtier word than its profane counterpart F**K. I remember hearing something annoying, cute, and comforting many years ago: FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. ...

Providence Life Coach Dating Success Series – Be You

We all know dating can be very challenging, between the awful blind dates, the people who pretend to be something they aren’t, the awkwardness, the general disappointment and wanting something and not finding, at least not yet. There is also an amazing side to dating too. But do the disappointments outweigh the benefits? My personal and professional experience demonstrates that the benefits do outweigh the disappointments. The key is how to go about meeting and dating the right people for the right relationship if a meaningful relationship is what you want. Be you....

First Degree Reiki Training in Providence – April 12-13

I am very excited to be offering another First Degree Reiki Training in Providence. This training will take place from April 12-13 from 12:00-5:00. No experience is necessary; only willingness and commitment are required. Please contact me directly for more details, including location; either leave a comment or send me an email at [email protected]. The fee for this two-day Reiki Training in Providence is $125. If you cannot afford the fee, please contact me privately. More about Reiki and Reiki Training   Michael Swerdloff Providence Life Coaching and Reiki Counseling

Can Watching Football Teach Me About Recovery?

There is an addiction treatment method for recovering alcoholics and addicts called Recovery Dynamics. It was created by a practical, wise old alcoholic with some of the best professionals in the field of recovery. Recovery Dynamics uses the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as a modality for treatment, not just as an afterthought. There are many excellent exercises in the manual; this is one of my favorites for working with groups of addicts and alcoholics....