86 results for tag: Change

Tantra Is NOT Love – Tantra And Sacred Sex

This is a beautifully written essay on Tantra. I have some experience with Tantra, but I am certainly not a teacher or expert. I have struggled with some Tantra practitioners assuming Tantra and Sacred Love are the same. This has not felt true to me. This heartfelt dive into the essence of Tantra, Sacred Sex, and Tantra is what I have experienced without having the correct words or mastery to express it accurately.

They See a Dark Shadow, You See the Bright Light that Casts It

Are you a bright light? Are you shining at your highest intensity? What do you need to become the bright light you were meant to be? They see a dark shadow; you see the bright light that casts it. They see the night; you see the moon. They see a mistake; you see a lesson. Published on LinkedIn on January 30, 2018 Oleg Vishnepolsky A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the World.” Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: 1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal 3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire ...

Rules For Fair Fighting In Relationships

Rules for fair fighting. It sounds like an oxymoron. If you take a minute to reflect, most of us suck when it comes to arguing and fighting with the people we love. I was not talking about your partner; I'm talking about you. Me too. Of all the things that we are taught by our families, friends, schools, and culture, children are rarely well-trained in how to manage conflict in a meaningful and productive way.  Let's explore one of the many sets of rules for fair fighting in relationships together. Rules For Fair Fighting In Relationships - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...

Why Nice Guys Stay Single – So Do Bad Boys

When I first saw the heading "Why Nice Guys Stay Single", I rolled my eyes; at least I tried. I have never perfected eye-rolling. I thought to myself, "Another article written by a bitter, single woman who likes bad boys who treat her like shit". I was completely wrong. I have no idea if Kathryn Hogan is single, but she is definitely not bitter and incredibly perceptive. Here is a quote from this article; if this does not move you, there is no need to read further.
"What women—evolved, mature, powerful women—actually need is a man who embodies the divinity of manhood. This may sound mystical, but it’s not. Every man is sacred, can touch the sacred masculine within him, can be a man who stands in compassion, loyalty, and honor, who cares enough to realize that only his true, unfiltered presence is good enough for this world. A man with a powerful heart, who can hold a woman in his presence, who can weather her emotional storms, who is nourished by being near her, and sees her divinity, and gives endlessly of himself."
This article explores why being a nice guy will only get you so far. You must dive deeper into yourself and express everything that makes you. The real you. The authentic you. Nice guys are men who are hiding from themselves and the women they wish to connect with and love. No more Mr. Nice Guy (see Alice Cooper song below for kicks). Why Nice Guys Stay Single - Providence Holistic Counseling Services

Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and The Shadow

I first started becoming aware of spiritual bypassing a few years ago. My eyes opened wide as I was reading the page in front of me. "A spiritual bypass or spiritual bypassing is a "tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks" John Welwood & Tina Fossella. This was it! This was the thing I had been aware of for years in myself and others that I had not known what it was or how to describe it! I was so excited that there really was such a "thing," and it had a name. I have cut out parts of the article below, but most of the content on spiritual bypassing is included.
Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and The Shadow - Providence Holistic Counseling Services...

Listen To Their Story – Ex-CIA Undercover Officer

The video below is titled "Former Undercover CIA Officer Talks War And Peace." While I was listening and watching, what was loudest to me was how this applies to everyday life, not just foreign wars. What if we listen to their story as a practice we all follow when trying to resolve conflicts with partners, lovers, friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers? Listen To Their Story - Ex-CIA Undercover Officer - Holding Hands Diversity ...

Drugs Don’t Cause Addiction: This Brilliant Video Will Change Your View on Drugs Forever

Drugs Don’t Cause Addiction: This Brilliant Animated Video Will Change Your View on Drugs Forever. I do not know if it "changed my view on drugs forever", but it is very interesting, and the work he has done toward shifting the mindset of addiction globally is outstanding. It is time we all let go of the old assumptions about addiction and its causes. They are not correct or productive in moving towards a healthier society or reducing the number of people struggling with addiction, whatever their drug of choice may be. Drugs Don’t Cause Addiction Video - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - <span class='highlight'>Change</span> the first step staircase ...

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