19 results for tag: Fear
As Friendships Grow Closer – Jeff Brown
I have been reflecting on this Jeff Brown quote on friendships lately. We tend to focus our efforts towards relationships on our romantic/intimate partnerships and family. But what about friendships?
What if we carried the same intention and effort with our main friendships, or "friendship pods"?
I am incredibly grateful for my core group of friends and how impactful our love, support, and collective commitment are and have been in my life, especially during the height of the pandemic. I am inspired continuously by our willingness as individuals and as a group to walk towards challenges, not away.
"As friendships grow closer, conflict be...
This Sculpture Shows The Inner Child In Us – Love
Book Release: Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters - From Mobster to Reiki Master, A Memoir of Awakening & Transformation. Find out more about this exciting new book here.
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We all have a little boy or little girl inside us, or both. Many people refer to this part of ourselves as the Inner Child.
The term Inner Child gets used a lot these days, but what is the Inner Child? I like the description below.
"The inner child lives in all of us; it is who we were before life happened to us. When the negative ...
Don’t Be Afraid of Being Alone. Be Afraid of Being In A Bad Relationship
Being alone. One of the greatest fears many people experience. Those in difficult and/or toxic relationships debate between being alone and being in a bad relationship often, even daily. Being alone can be a terrifying fear that can create desperation and self-destruction.
How do we know when a relationship has reached the point where being alone is less challenging than being present?...
Do I Need to Heal Before Dating Again?
Do I need to heal before dating again? When is the right time to start dating again after a relationship? Is the answer different if one is deciding whether they are ready to date or whether they are ready to get into a relationship again? These are not simple questions to answer, nor are they the same for each one of us.
For me, there are five essential questions to answer before dating again.
Self-Doubt & The Big Question Mark
I am fascinated by how many strong, courageous, and successful people have layers upon layers of self-doubt. Self-doubt creeps into almost every nook and cranny of their being. When others see them as bright, amazing, and enjoyable, they see themselves as stupid, mediocre, and a burden. This is where self-doubt interrupts the ability to achieve our internal and external dreams and aspirations.

The Six Types of Courage
Courage. Bravery. Boldness. Fearlessness. When I think of courage, I see an image of someone standing by themselves with shredded clothes full of blood and sweat. Other images of courage that appear in my mind are a parent carrying children through a storm or desert or a group of people holding hands with eyes filled with tears, caring for each other as if there is no other choice but to love and love more. I recall an image of a person in the flood water of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina bringing supplies to their family....
Arguments About $ Aren’t About Money
Arguments. The first time I meet a new couple that I am working with, I ask them to each share why they are here today. Almost without exception, they each launch into a one-sided description of a recent argument, telling it solely from their perspective. In their minds, they are seeking relationship counseling because of an argument or arguments.
I ask a few more questions to get a greater understanding of their current challenges. Most of the time, they continue to refer back to the argument or arguments previously mentioned.
I will follow that up with a question similar to this, "So if I am hearing you correctly, you are here because of an argument or arguments, not due to a lack of trust, connection, respect, communication, commitment, safety, and/or intimacy?".