14 results for tag: Gender Issues


Indie Reader Book Review by Edward Sung

IR Rating: 4.7

Raw, compassionate, and perceptive, Michael Swerdloff's memoir RAISED BY WOLVES, POSSIBLY MONSTERS is a vital excavation of toxic masculinity's rot—and an urgent call for individual and cultural transformation.
October 9, 2024

Gender Roles of Listening – It’s Not About The Nail

This short film provides an opportunity for us to explore how gender roles of listening are expressed in relationships. I invite you to pay attention to how this short film affects you. Does it bring up anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, frustration, laughter, or any other emotions? What are your thoughts about your current or previous partners as you watch this short film? Do you find yourself blaming them or yourself for past or current challenges? https://youtu.be/-4EDhdAHrOg ...

Being Better Humans Support Group

We have an amazing Support Group for Everyone! We have been meeting every other Monday on Zoom! Come join the circle!

What are we doing?

We are a group of people discussing their honest feelings on relationships, drugs, love, sex, money, and work. We’ll pick a topic, trade stories, have a moderated discussion, and maybe scream, cry, or yell (if needed). We’ll dive in deep and not let fear keep us from expressing who we really are. We’ll explore what makes us amazing and far from amazing, where we need to grow and what gets in the way of growing, how to trust ourselves and others and what obstacles get in the way of trust. We’ll find what environments support our safety, and how to set boundaries in those that don’t. Most importantly, we’ll just practice being our authentic selves. We may include meditation, movement and other practices designed to create clarity, presence and truth. What we do will be guided by what shows up at every session. We will have assignments between sessions to reflect more deeply and practice whatever we worked on together. Being Better Humans Support Group - Michael swerdloff Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach and Reiki


7 Double Standards That Hurt Men and Women

I have followed and read The Good Men Project for years. I find their commitment is very helpful in shaping how, as a culture, we move forward toward equality and raising amazing boys and girls. I wanted to share with you 7 Double Standards That Hurt Men and Women. The double standards it highlights illustrate how we can create negative impressions of men and women without even noticing. These stereotypes hurt all of us. I am curious of the seven double standards they explore, which is the one that you find the most glaring? Men who live life differently often run into these tough double standards. American culture is rife with bias against ...

Why Nice Guys Stay Single – So Do Bad Boys

When I first saw the heading "Why Nice Guys Stay Single", I rolled my eyes; at least I tried. I have never perfected eye-rolling. I thought to myself, "Another article written by a bitter, single woman who likes bad boys who treat her like shit". I was completely wrong. I have no idea if Kathryn Hogan is single, but she is definitely not bitter and incredibly perceptive. Here is a quote from this article; if this does not move you, there is no need to read further.
"What women—evolved, mature, powerful women—actually need is a man who embodies the divinity of manhood. This may sound mystical, but it’s not. Every man is sacred, can touch the sacred masculine within him, can be a man who stands in compassion, loyalty, and honor, who cares enough to realize that only his true, unfiltered presence is good enough for this world. A man with a powerful heart, who can hold a woman in his presence, who can weather her emotional storms, who is nourished by being near her, and sees her divinity, and gives endlessly of himself."
This article explores why being a nice guy will only get you so far. You must dive deeper into yourself and express everything that makes you. The real you. The authentic you. Nice guys are men who are hiding from themselves and the women they wish to connect with and love. No more Mr. Nice Guy (see Alice Cooper song below for kicks). Why Nice Guys Stay Single - Providence Holistic Counseling Services

Women & Booze: Is Everything We Know About Alcoholism Wrong? – mindbodygreen.com

This is an interesting article on Women & Booze. The main thesis is that men and women interact with alcohol differently. Therefore, Alcoholics Anonymous is not the best option for women since many are not alcoholics, according to the author. There are several important points she raises about women & booze, such as the lack of ability of A.A. to adapt and update program elements that may not make sense any longer or maybe never did. This is valid, and I have presented similar thoughts before. In addition, the chapter "To Wives" was not actually written by Lois Wilson, which further supports the claims of AA being anti-feminist. Who ...

They Are Real People – Inspiring Video – The Game

They are real people. We are real people. Respect, love, and support are neither foreign nor hard to do.  "The Game" is an inspiring video created by One Student. It is awesome to see young people, particularly men, stand up and speak out against sexual assault. This was unheard of when I was a student. The young men who may have wanted to stand were squashed by the bigger, stronger, and/or louder guys.  It was disguised as, "Boys will be boys", or pressured into silence by both men and women. These women are real people, not just statistics.  It was the "thing" that nobody wanted to discuss, which is how it seemed. I was unaware of anyone willing to have these kinds of discussions, but the crowd I ran with was why I have that perception. As I reflect on this further, I clearly remember that the African-American college community was active in regularly discussing race, class, and gender. I had several friends within the community and would sometimes be present during these honest and often tense discussions—real people having real conversations. They Are Real People - Inspiring One Student Video - The Game - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...