14 results for tag: Gender Issues

Cheaters On Cheating – Why Do Cheaters Cheat?

Have you ever been in a relationship with a cheater? Have you ever cheated on someone else? What do you consider cheating? Do you think cheating and cheaters are the same for men and women or Americans and Europeans? Superdrug Online Doctor surveyed over 2000 women and men cheaters and shared the results in Cheaters On Cheating. I have posted the entire article on cheaters and cheating here for you to read. I have included the references below; many of the sources cited are not the most reliable. I am sharing this with you to facilitate thought and conversation. I encourage you not to take this as scientific data, just content on cheaters and ...

4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead)

When I read 4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead), I stepped back and laid down my professional training and experience to get out of the way and just take in what the author, Akilah S. Richards, shared. I am glad I did! Her insights and experience as mother and daughter are right on the mark with my own professional understanding of tween girls. I encourage you not to make the assumption that this only applies to tween Girls of Color; you would be incorrect. In fact, if you shift some of the details just a bit, the same challenges and solutions apply to tween boys, although they may not be as obvious. I am interested in hearing about your experiences with tween girls (and boys) and the solutions the author shares in 4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead).

4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead)


Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon. We often apologize, assuming that people will appreciate our politeness and good manners. But in most cases, the other party is much more pleased to hear words of gratitude from you rather than an apology. Talented illustrator Yao Xiao, using everyday situations as inspiration, helps to explain why "thank you" is sometimes better than "I’m sorry" in this cartoon. We at Bright Side thought it really made sense and just had to share it with you. Take a look.


Bus 44 – Award-Winning Short Film

On the outskirts of a small town, a bus driver and her passengers encounter highway robbers. "Bus 44" carries a universal theme that travels across all boundaries and societies, trespassing the dark side and bright side of human behavior.

Bus 44 - Award-Winning Short Film


Slap Her – Violence Against Women

Please share your thoughts on Slap Her - Violence Against Women, a short video production about boys and violence towards girls.

Slap Her - Violence Against Women


The Feminist Guide To Non-Creepy Flirting

I was reading The Feminist Guide to Non-Creepy Flirting and thought it may be helpful to share with readers. I know many men see the word "feminist" and immediately stop reading or become defensive. For the men that this applies to, I invite you to hang in there and reap the benefits of the wisdom and knowledge helping you connect with women that you want to meet. I do not believe anything that is written below is either offensive or disrespectful. In fact, I wish when I was young, the information that is shared here was available to me. I am certain many women along the way would have been grateful as well! I hope you enjoy the Feminist Guide to Non-Creepy Flirting as much as I did....

Men That Try Too Hard

Men get a bad rap. If the only thing you knew about men in America came from watching TV, movies, and listening to music, you would think all of us are angry, violent, lazy men hanging out on the couch, watching sports, and playing video games all day. A chunk of the American male population indeed fits this description, but not all of us.  Generally speaking, men that try too hard are rarely in the news or make headlines, we are doing what we do with humility and anonymity....