4 results for tag: Healers
Accepting New Reiki Counseling Clients!
Reiki counseling is a system my teacher designed for working with people through challenging and deep-seated issues. What makes it so effective is the combination of the loving and supportive energy of Reiki, helping somebody move to a slow enough brain rhythm that their inner resistance becomes less of an obstacle. Reiki also creates a safe enough container for us to work on issues that traditional therapy/counseling, bodywork, and many other modalities are not able to access in just a few sessions....
The Healing Apprenticeship Costa Rica 2023!
The Healing Apprenticeship is an amazing week-long Intensive at the beautiful Goddess Garden Retreat Center, Cahuita, Costa Rica, January 28 - February 4, 2023.
Is it time for you to break through the obstacles that prevent you from sustainably being yourself in all the beautiful and not-so-beautiful ways?
Have you had enough of the same obstacles showing up again and again, no matter how long you have been in Therapy, practicing Meditation, Yoga, or other Spiritual practices? ...
I Am Not a Healer
It’s now been forty minutes in an altered brain rhythm, slipping from below ordinary consciousness, even below psychic, all the way down to spiritual healing. It is a state where the ego does not completely rule words, thoughts, and actions. The shadow has quieted enough to allow the True Self to speak and be present. The answers are usually simple: a word, a phrase, or maybe even just a syllable. In this case, very simple: “Yes”. This is my life as a Reiki Practitioner.