11 results for tag: Listening

Help Someone Going Through A Crisis, Use These 7 Words

When somebody is going through a crisis, many people respond by trying to fix their problem and solve it without considering the person and their current experience. Typically, the person in crisis is not ready to "fix" the situation. First, they need some attention. A crisis can activate the nervous system, which makes it hard to self-regulate. Co-regulation can be a wonderful gift to anyone experiencing a crisis. In the article below from NPR, Kelly Corrigan maps out an excellent and incredibly simple method of offering support to anyone in crisis....

The Marriage Lesson That I Learned Too Late

I have heard the statement "The Marriage Lesson That I Learned Too Late" much too often. This is also true for people who are not married or even a couple. We may learn too late in relationships with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or anybody. In this case, "The Marriage Lesson" is a lesson for all relationships! The awareness that small things are significant in our relationships is valuable for us all. If someone repeatedly shares something that you are doing or not doing that brings up anger, pain, sadness, fear, betrayal, rejection, flooding, or any other strong emotion that creates distance, I encourage you to listen. This is especially ...

Gender Roles of Listening – It’s Not About The Nail

This short film provides an opportunity for us to explore how gender roles of listening are expressed in relationships. I invite you to pay attention to how this short film affects you. Does it bring up anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, frustration, laughter, or any other emotions? What are your thoughts about your current or previous partners as you watch this short film? Do you find yourself blaming them or yourself for past or current challenges? https://youtu.be/-4EDhdAHrOg ...

Relationship Recommendations During Covid-19

We all need relationship recommendations from time to time. In this current pandemic, there are intense pressures on relationships for couples who are trying to figure out how to get along and thrive during Covid-19 or just survive in some cases. Most couples have never had to experience such a high degree of proximity for an extended amount of time, as we need to manage right now. Add in the economic stress and fear of physical safety, and it is no surprise that more couples are reaching out for support and guidance than at any other time in history. Please remind yourself and each other that this is temporary; you need each other, and you really do love each other, even if none of the above feels true at this moment. I encourage you to trust your history and that you have endured difficult challenges before and are still together. And most of all, PLEASE BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF AND YOUR PARTNER! This is an incredibly stressful time in every one of our lives. We need to feel safe while navigating this unique global situation. Trust your love, connection, and your foundation as your guides and collective resources. Please be gentle with each other and yourself. Ask for help if you need it. Relationship Recommendations During Covid-19 - ProvidenceHolistic Counseling, Coaching and Reiki - Michael Swerdloff ...

Conflict Resolution Workshop – Individuals & Couples!

I am thrilled to be offering a two-session Conflict Resolution Workshop at One Sixteen Calverly in Providence, Rhode Island! The two dates are February 9th and 23rd, from 2:30 – 4:30. I have scheduled the dates two weeks apart so that all participants have time to practice their new skills in the real world and return to share experiences, challenges, and questions. If the group wants to continue for a third session, we can schedule it together.
Everyone is welcome to participate in this training, whether you are joining us by yourself, a friend, family member or partner, you are welcome to join us. ...

Conflict Resolution Workshop – Individuals & Couples!

I am thrilled to be offering a three-session Conflict Resolution Workshop at Kindred Community Acupuncture in Rhode Island on the border of Pawtucket and Providence! The three dates are April 6th and 20th, and May 4th all from 3:30 - 5:30. I have scheduled the dates two weeks apart so that all participants have time to practice their new skills in the real world and return to share experiences, challenges and questions. Conflict Resolution Workshop - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counseling, Coaching and Reiki Everyone is welcome to participate in this training; whether you are joining us by yourself, a friend, a family member, or a partner, you are welcome to join us. It is recommended that you take part in all three sessions, especially the first on April 6th....

Rules For Fair Fighting In Relationships

Rules for fair fighting. It sounds like an oxymoron. If you take a minute to reflect, most of us suck when it comes to arguing and fighting with the people we love. I was not talking about your partner; I'm talking about you. Me too. Of all the things that we are taught by our families, friends, schools, and culture, children are rarely well-trained in how to manage conflict in a meaningful and productive way.  Let's explore one of the many sets of rules for fair fighting in relationships together. Rules For Fair Fighting In Relationships - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...