9 results for tag: Loneliness
Isolation in the Digital Era: The Power of Human Relationships
We are all aware of the potential costs of isolation—at least, we were before we became entrenched in digital connections. Human connections are suffering as more people feel increased isolation. I look forward to your comments and experiences on isolation from the article below posted on The Gottman Institute....
Porn Addiction, Loneliness and Connection
Porn addiction is increasing at a rapid pace. We know that access to online porn continues to create loneliness, disconnection, and porn addiction. But is porn the actual problem? Again, we come back to Johann Hari's findings. His research and personal experiences, as well as my own, support the theory that addictions often lack meaningful connection(s). This applies to porn addiction as well. The work we do in recovery from porn addiction includes focusing on creating new connections and strengthening those already existing. These connections and forming new habits can begin the process of feeling safe and a sense of belonging, all foundations of a sustainable recovery....
Don’t Be Afraid of Being Alone. Be Afraid of Being In A Bad Relationship
Being alone. One of the greatest fears many people experience. Those in difficult and/or toxic relationships debate between being alone and being in a bad relationship often, even daily. Being alone can be a terrifying fear that can create desperation and self-destruction.
How do we know when a relationship has reached the point where being alone is less challenging than being present?...
Arguments About $ Aren’t About Money
Arguments. The first time I meet a new couple that I am working with, I ask them to each share why they are here today. Almost without exception, they each launch into a one-sided description of a recent argument, telling it solely from their perspective. In their minds, they are seeking relationship counseling because of an argument or arguments.
I ask a few more questions to get a greater understanding of their current challenges. Most of the time, they continue to refer back to the argument or arguments previously mentioned.
I will follow that up with a question similar to this, "So if I am hearing you correctly, you are here because of an argument or arguments, not due to a lack of trust, connection, respect, communication, commitment, safety, and/or intimacy?".
Can You Go Crazy from Lack Of Touch? Life of the Skin-Hungry
We all need touch. We may feel like we don't, but we do. Even those among us who have suffered physical trauma from the hands of others need touch. For some people, touch may come with some challenges; this does not mean it is less important; it needs some navigating for touch to be a positive experience.
What happens when we do not receive enough physical touch? The answer varies from person to person, but we all suffer from feeling "untouchable" or untouched. This may express itself as depression, anxiety, loneliness, isolation, aggression, anger, sadness, or many forms of physical or emotional pain. The key is to learn what means of touch and physical affection are most supportive to you and when.
A Cure for Loneliness – How To Make Connects That Count
I am not aware of anyone who has not experienced loneliness at some point in their lives. Everyone experiences loneliness or isolation. For many, it is an ongoing struggle. People often assume that others whose friends and/or family always surround them do not experience loneliness. This assumption needs to be corrected. We can experience loneliness no matter how many people are in our lives; loneliness is not an exclusive club for those who are shy, awkward, or introverted. Loneliness can affect anyone, even "The Cool People".
Before we get to the article A Cure For Loneliness, here is a short video with Johann Hari. He is a controversial author, journalist, and explorer of life and people. He has great ideas, even if he is only sometimes on target about why things are how they are. You will enjoy his talk on loneliness. It is less than four minutes.