41 results for tag: Meditation & Mindfulness

Waka Poetry – Providence Zen Center

Waka Poetry at Providence Zen Center 10.11.14

I feel stillness now

Earth is alive as am I

Moment disappears

Life goes on moving freely

Wind does not know shaky mind


Potential Negative Side Effects of Meditation

Is there a dark side to meditation? Can people experience the negative side effects of meditation? Why is the spiritual community so fearful of the media exposing situations of armful or negative experiences with meditation or Yoga?  Or What Research Says about Reiki? I, for one, am not fearful or startled by these experiences or stories. I have known many people who have experienced harmful or negative side effects of Meditation, Yoga, Reiki, Tai Qi, Qi Gong, and most other healing modalities. Why is this a shock? Not all people, bodies, minds and spiritual imprints are the same, why should our experiences be the same? The same would be true for Prayer; who has not had a negative experience praying sometime in their life? Can you honestly say there is anything that you have experienced something powerfully in your life that has been completely free of any negative experiences - sleeping, eating, making love, walking, laughing, relationships, singing, dancing, painting, kissing, medicine, religion, school, hugging, psychotherapy, counseling, etc.?...

Providence Life Coach Career Success Series – Finding Your Life Purpose

For many people, finding your life purpose can be a challenging and frustrating experience. There was a time in my life when I did not know what I wanted to do professionally. I had met several times with a career counselor and did a full range of testing. After completing the tests, the career counselor and I went over the results together. ...

Spiritual Retreat at Portsmouth Abbey

This past week, I had the opportunity to attend a two-day spiritual retreat at Portsmouth Abbey in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. If you have never been there, Portsmouth Abbey is on a beautiful campus next to the ocean, and it shares its property with Portsmouth Abbey School....

Mindfulness for People Who Are Too Busy to Meditate

I am not convinced there are people too busy to meditate. Still, I appreciate the ideas and recommendations offered in this post, Mindfulness for People Who Are Too Busy to Meditate. I firmly believe, through experience, that anyone who meditates on a daily basis will improve their efficiency at work, home, and life, creating more time rather than taking time from their day. If Presidents, Prime Ministers, CEOs, Celebrities, and Athletes have time to meditate, why do you believe that you don't?...

Mindfulness and A “We” Focus

We often hear these days that the current climate in America is that of a "me orientation" versus a "we orientation".  We see signs of this throughout our lives regularly. People rarely seem to have time for anyone but themselves and their families, but I think if we dig a little deeper, evidence that many people are living with a focus more on us than me exists. We-focused people are not as readily in the spotlight as those who are more me-focused. Mindfulness and a we focus are beginning to set roots quietly without press or fanfare.


Providence Life Coach Dating Success Series – Conscious Coupling

Conscious coupling seems to be getting a lot of press these days; celebrities tend to make this sort of thing happen - Madonna at The Kabbalah Centre and Julia Roberts with Hindu are examples of when they speak openly about religion or spirituality. I am not sure why this happens, but it does. I have never seen celebrities as people I wanted to be like, at least not those in the entertainment industry. Growing up, many athletes gave their time to worthy causes that I looked up to for that reason in the 60's and 70's. I have never felt drawn to the fact that "so and so" said something means it is something important or of value. However, it does seem that Richard Gere's My Journey with Buddhism has really committed to the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism without making it feel like a publicity stunt. I happened to be participating in the Kalachakra with The Dalai Llama back in 2000 with Richard Gere and other famous people present for the ten days of spiritual training. They all kept a low profile with no autographs or photos, just like everyone else receiving the training....