4 results for tag: Professional Success
Self-Doubt & The Big Question Mark
I am fascinated by how many strong, courageous, and successful people have layers upon layers of self-doubt. Self-doubt creeps into almost every nook and cranny of their being. When others see them as bright, amazing, and enjoyable, they see themselves as stupid, mediocre, and a burden. This is where self-doubt interrupts the ability to achieve our internal and external dreams and aspirations.

How Successful People Stay Calm
This is the entire article on How Successful People Stay Calm. The basic discussion and stress management methods seem correct. I want to hear about your experiences with it. Does it match that of the author, Dr. Travis Bradberry?
Providence Life Coach Career Success Series – Finding Your Life Purpose
For many people, finding your life purpose can be a challenging and frustrating experience. There was a time in my life when I did not know what I wanted to do professionally. I had met several times with a career counselor and did a full range of testing. After completing the tests, the career counselor and I went over the results together.
25 Signs You’re Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It)
Whenever I see posts like "3 easy ___" or 25 Signs You're ______", I am skeptical at best. Life rarely fits into neat little lists that are supposed to let you know anything about yourself that is productive or of substance. I do appreciate those who take the time to catalog information easily digestible. This is where the post titled, "25 Signs You're Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It)" by Shannon Kaiser feels like it might at least point in the direction of what succeeding at life may feel like for a significant group of people. Not all listed apply to all of us, but I think there is value in reflecting on this particular list to see where you are seeing progress and where to focus more energy and attention.