7 results for tag: Reiki Benefits


Indie Reader Book Review by Edward Sung

IR Rating: 4.7

Raw, compassionate, and perceptive, Michael Swerdloff's memoir RAISED BY WOLVES, POSSIBLY MONSTERS is a vital excavation of toxic masculinity's rot—and an urgent call for individual and cultural transformation.
October 9, 2024

Accepting New Reiki Counseling Clients!

Reiki counseling is a system my teacher designed for working with people through challenging and deep-seated issues. What makes it so effective is the combination of the loving and supportive energy of Reiki, helping somebody move to a slow enough brain rhythm that their inner resistance becomes less of an obstacle. Reiki also creates a safe enough container for us to work on issues that traditional therapy/counseling, bodywork, and many other modalities are not able to access in just a few sessions....

Women Share First Experiences With Reiki – Does Reiki Really Work?

As a Reiki Master and Practitioner for more than twenty-five years, I am aware of the many people's skepticism and empty experiences with Reiki over the years. To be transparent, I, too, was skeptical before I experienced Reiki and its healing properties. These first experiences with Reiki that are less than desirable have prevented folks from experiencing the beauty and healing of Reiki; this is true more now than ever because there are so many people trained in Reiki in either a watered-down version or do not embrace the inner practice of integrating Reiki into their life, not just when working on others.
I have listened to people, mostly women, share their experiences of Reiki practitioners violating physical, emotional, and even sexual boundaries during Reiki sessions! This is tragic for the people who had these first experiences with Reiki that are harmful, and their friends and family who have learned about Reiki from them and understandably keep a safe distance from Reiki. Reiki has been incredibly life-changing for me, which is why I practice and train students in the need for strong and clear Reiki boundaries and ALWAYS receiving consent before placing their hands on somebody else! Reiki Ethics have gotten lost in the last decade or so. I hope you appreciate this brief article sharing women's first experiences with Reiki....

First Degree Reiki Training December 10 & 11!

A Special First Degree Reiki Training Saturday & Sunday December 10 & 11, 2022 from 1:00-6:00. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is where all new Reiki students begin their Reiki Training. In this class, students receive all four First Degree Reiki Attunements, practice sharing and receiving Reiki and be ready to share Reiki with friends, family and emergency situations. First Degree Traditional Usui Reiki Training is offered as a two-day Training. The fee for the two-day training is $175. Location in Warren, RI. Rhode Island Reiki Training - The Usui System of Natural Healing The Usui System of Natural Healing, what we call ...

Reiki Research: An Effectiveness Trial of Reiki

New Reiki research is available! We have been waiting for a large-scale study on the effects of Reiki physically and psychologically. More Reiki research needs to take place, but this is important to the Reiki community. Natalie L. Dyer, Ann L. Baldwin, and William L. Rand conducted this new abstract of Reiki research with Harvard University. Many of you are familiar with William L. Rand from the International Center for Reiki Training. William is also a Reiki Master in one of my Reiki Lineages. 

Is Reiki Science or Hype?

Reiki has been in my life for so long that it is hard for me to imagine Reiki being something foreign, mystical, or unusual. I first received training in 1995 and have practiced Reiki in some form every day since. Based on that information, you can see how hard it is for me to question; is Reiki science or hype? For me, that would be like questioning if the water is wet or if the night is dark....

Reiki Benefits Cancer-Related Symptoms

As a practicing Traditional Usui Reiki Teaching Master since 1995, I have first-hand experience demonstrating how Reiki can positively affect all aspects of our lives: mental, emotional, physical, social, sexual, professional, and spiritual. It is no surprise to me that research is beginning to show how Reiki benefits cancer-related symptoms. As Reiki has gained credibility in the medical profession, the need for quality research has increased. We are all very grateful for the researchers who conducted their work without bias. Unfortunately, many researchers include personal prejudice in their work, trying to make Reiki seem to be something it's not, positive or negative. I invite you to read the excerpt from the following article on Reiki benefits cancer-related symptoms.