35 results for tag: Reiki Counseling
18 Invaluable Pieces of Advice From Therapists & Counselors
There are not many common pieces of advice from therapists and counselors since we have diverse training, backgrounds, and experiences, but this list seems accurate. The themes around boundaries/saying "no," protecting yourself, and letting go of relationships that are not supporting your growth and peace are essential and agreed upon generally across the field. Of course, your specific situation and circumstances are important to consider as well.
My favorite piece of advice from therapists and counselors is first on their list: "Feelings are not facts." I wish we could all integrate this nugget of wisdom into our lives!
... Twenty-Five Years As Reiki Practitioner!
It was twenty-five years ago today that I received my initial Reiki Attunements and Training! It is hard to fathom what a profound impact Reiki has had in my life and those I have had the opportunity to share it with. I am incredibly grateful for all the Reiki experiences I have had during this period. At the top of the list is having a daily Reiki practice. It's mind-boggling to try to comprehend how a human being can go part of their life without experiencing Reiki and then go the rest of their life practicing Reiki on a daily basis! Amazing! I sense that having a daily Reiki practice is an element of Reiki that does not get focused on enough.

They See a Dark Shadow, You See the Bright Light that Casts It
Are you a bright light? Are you shining at your highest intensity? What do you need to become the bright light you were meant to be?
They see a dark shadow; you see the bright light that casts it. They see the night; you see the moon. They see a mistake; you see a lesson.
Published on LinkedIn on January 30, 2018
Oleg Vishnepolsky
A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the World.” Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire ...
Rock Stars and Groupies: Narcissistic Co-Dependence in the Yoga Teacher-Student Relationship
Narcissistic co-dependence exists in many fields, not just the yoga teacher-student relationship. As the author mentions, narcissistic co-dependence is prevalent in the therapy and counseling community; it is a "thing" for sure. I can honestly say that I have experienced narcissistic co-dependence in relationships as both a student and a teacher through Reiki and other modalities of the spiritual community.

First Degree Reiki Training Rhode Island
I am excited to offer a two-day First Degree Usui Reiki Training Rhode Island at the Providence Zen Center in Cumberland, RI, on Friday, July 10th, and Saturday, July 11th, from 12 to 5!