32 results for tag: Relationships
Self-Perception: Barb
It was 1993, and I had recently moved to a new area of New Jersey where I knew few people. We were both attending meetings of the same self-help group. It had been six months since the first time I saw Barb. I fell for her before she even opened her mouth. She was soft, warm, and genuine in her walk and demeanor. When she opened her mouth to speak, there were no more questions; I wanted to get to know her. The only thing between Barb and I was self-perception, which was mine.
Self-Perception and Shyness
A common trait for me, then and now, is being shy and intimidated by women I find attractive. Besides the obvious challenge of shyness, I would ...
Open Up – School of Life
Open Up is a short video demonstrating the power of honesty and sharing our secrets. Communication is essential to creating and maintaining positive relationships. The risk seems too great, but is it really? I encourage you to explore which is a greater risk: isolation and silence or sharing and connection.
Open Up by The School of Life
...13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life
I do not typically post content from Psychology Today, but thought this was simple and helpful: 13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life.
Want to be happy, healthy and have great relationships? Sure, we all do! And we’ve heard a million times about the obvious ways to take care of ourselves: exercise, diet etc. But there’s one simple exercise that boosts all of these things simultaneously and that most of us simply don’t know. What’s that? Being thankful. Sound too simplistic to you? Not so fast! Check out 13 of its stellar science-backed benefits....
Dating Is Scary, But Why? Part I – The Breakup
Dating is scary, but why? During conversations with clients, friends, and family, I often hear men and women talk about how dating is scary. If you think about it, dating should not be scary, but dating is scary. But why is dating scary? I heard somebody once say, "Dating is scary because there are only two possible outcomes. You will either spend the rest of your life with someone, or you will break up. Both are scary." For our conversation today, we are not going to discuss intimate violence in dating, but I did want to acknowledge how scary date and acquaintance rape is. I am not minimizing or neglecting date and acquaintance rape; it's just not what we're going to focus on in this discussion.
What is The Difference Between Freedom and Lack of Self-Discipline?
Identifying the difference between freedom and lack of self-discipline is an essential teaching on our journey as spiritual beings. Thich Nhat Hanh offers us perspective to help those struggling with this important concern for anyone with or wanting to have a spiritual practice, whether it is meditation, Hatha Yoga, Tai Qi, Qi Gong or any other regular spiritual practice....