14 results for tag: Rumi
Higher Self Connection with Life Coach
The Invisible White Rabbit – A Parable in Determination
The Art of Knowing is Knowing What to Ignore
"The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore" Rumi
I saw this posted recently by a friend on Facebook, yes Facebook. Again, from Rumi, "The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore." I appreciate the simplicity of this illustration and how it depicts the lens we each view life, and what we see or do not see....Spiritual Change: Tie Your Shoes Differently
It was 1989, and I was feeling ready for life to move forward for me after a series of very challenging years. I asked an old friend named Bill, while sharing thoughts on life and spiritual growth, “What do I need to do to begin the process of change in my life in a profound way?” Bill was one of the most trusted and supportive men in my life when I was beginning this process of spiritual development. He was a wise, gentle, and loving person who made a great life for himself after a messy beginning. You could always count on “Old Bill” to offer a warm hug and caring advice. At this point in my life, I did not trust many people and took even less advice. Asking for help was not one of my strengths....