21 results for tag: Self-Respect
Stop Trying To Fix Me – I Am Not Broken
I am not broken. As often is the case when we try to "fix" somebody, we inadvertently tell them we think they are broken. Why would something need to be "fixed" if it is not broken? This poem by Jeff Foster is a beautiful Illustration of a person who has the strength and courage to say, "I am not broken!". I am not a lost cat with a broken leg, a muffler, or a hot water heater. I am a human being who deserves respect, care, affection, and attention. I am not broken. It is not your job to fix me, nor is it wanted or helpful. Love me instead....
18 Invaluable Pieces of Advice From Therapists & Counselors
There are not many common pieces of advice from therapists and counselors since we have diverse training, backgrounds, and experiences, but this list seems accurate. The themes around boundaries/saying "no," protecting yourself, and letting go of relationships that are not supporting your growth and peace are essential and agreed upon generally across the field. Of course, your specific situation and circumstances are important to consider as well.
My favorite piece of advice from therapists and counselors is first on their list: "Feelings are not facts." I wish we could all integrate this nugget of wisdom into our lives!
... Self-Doubt & The Big Question Mark
I am fascinated by how many strong, courageous, and successful people have layers upon layers of self-doubt. Self-doubt creeps into almost every nook and cranny of their being. When others see them as bright, amazing, and enjoyable, they see themselves as stupid, mediocre, and a burden. This is where self-doubt interrupts the ability to achieve our internal and external dreams and aspirations.
When Trauma Blocking Gets in the Way
Trauma blocking is an obstacle that many people experience today. We create a "safe" way to cope with experiences that feel too painful to endure. Our nervous system blocks the memory and/or its impact on us as a means of protecting us. It served an important function when the trauma block initially developed. It may not be serving any longer. We are not the same person we were when this system was created.
Better Men’s Support Group!
We have created a Men’s Support Group on Zoom. Six men are already participating. We have been meeting bi-weekly since the Spring, and it is amazing. Get your seat at the table.
What are we doing?
We are a group of men discussing their honest feelings on relationships, drugs, love, sex, money, and work. We’ll pick a topic, trade stories, have a moderated discussion, and maybe yell (if needed).