9 results for tag: Sexual Violence


Indie Reader Book Review by Edward Sung

IR Rating: 4.7

Raw, compassionate, and perceptive, Michael Swerdloff's memoir RAISED BY WOLVES, POSSIBLY MONSTERS is a vital excavation of toxic masculinity's rot—and an urgent call for individual and cultural transformation.
October 9, 2024

Honest Sex – An Updated Definition of Sex

Honest Sex. It is time for an updated, honest definition of sex. It is not 1958, and we are not the people we were then culturally. We want honest sex that meets the needs of all of us, not just a few. We look different, dress differently, connect differently, and act differently; we meet our dates and partners differently. Why would we not want to update our definition of sex? Let's explore this article on Honest Sex by Shana James from The Gottman Institute....

They Are Real People – Inspiring Video – The Game

They are real people. We are real people. Respect, love, and support are neither foreign nor hard to do.  "The Game" is an inspiring video created by One Student. It is awesome to see young people, particularly men, stand up and speak out against sexual assault. This was unheard of when I was a student. The young men who may have wanted to stand were squashed by the bigger, stronger, and/or louder guys.  It was disguised as, "Boys will be boys", or pressured into silence by both men and women. These women are real people, not just statistics.  It was the "thing" that nobody wanted to discuss, which is how it seemed. I was unaware of anyone willing to have these kinds of discussions, but the crowd I ran with was why I have that perception. As I reflect on this further, I clearly remember that the African-American college community was active in regularly discussing race, class, and gender. I had several friends within the community and would sometimes be present during these honest and often tense discussions—real people having real conversations. They Are Real People - Inspiring One Student Video - The Game - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...

Bus 44 – Award-Winning Short Film

On the outskirts of a small town, a bus driver and her passengers encounter highway robbers. "Bus 44" carries a universal theme that travels across all boundaries and societies, trespassing the dark side and bright side of human behavior.

Bus 44 - Award-Winning Short Film


Thanks For Sharing – Sex Addiction, Obsession and Compulsion

Sex addiction. Those two words sitting together by themselves often stir a range of emotions. Sex addiction has all kinds of stigmas, myths, and stereotypes associated with it. There was a time when alcoholism carried many social stereotypes and stigmas. Alcoholism does not express the same degree of reactions that sex addiction, sexual obsession, and sexual compulsion produce. ...

Slap Her – Violence Against Women

Please share your thoughts on Slap Her - Violence Against Women, a short video production about boys and violence towards girls.

Slap Her - Violence Against Women


1 is 2 Many: Men Standing Against Sexual Assault

It is both inspiring and somewhat comical to be putting your focus in the same place as the White House. Pres. Obama and VP Biden have just released a new PSA as part of their, 1 is 2 Many campaign, including famous male actors, The President and Vice President themselves supporting and standing against sexual assault and violence towards women. It is great to see famous men standing up for women. But I can't lie; the first thing that came to my mind was, "It's about time!" ...