2 results for tag: Sleep
13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life
I do not typically post content from Psychology Today, but thought this was simple and helpful: 13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life.

Want to be happy, healthy and have great relationships? Sure, we all do! And we’ve heard a million times about the obvious ways to take care of ourselves: exercise, diet etc. But there’s one simple exercise that boosts all of these things simultaneously and that most of us simply don’t know. What’s that? Being thankful. Sound too simplistic to you? Not so fast! Check out 13 of its stellar science-backed benefits....
How Successful People Stay Calm
This is the entire article on How Successful People Stay Calm. The basic discussion and stress management methods seem correct. I want to hear about your experiences with it. Does it match that of the author, Dr. Travis Bradberry?