This article discusses strategies that work for recovering alcoholics and addicts and may help people who are choosing to return to their lives pre-pandemic. The basic recovery principles of accepting what is true right now, creating and sticking to a plan, identifying feelings/emotions, connecting with the community, and gratitude are the cornerstones of recovery. For my first few years, they were vital to my survival. Today, they are a natural part of my life expressed in ways that are more representative of who I am now.
I encourage you to be patient with yourself and allow space for the more challenging feelings and emotions you may experience, like anxiety, distance, being overwhelmed, panic, anxiousness, depression, and possibly wanting to hide under the covers. For most people, these emotions will be temporary. Let your friends and family know what you are going through if that feels safe. I highly recommend having some fun, plain old simple fun! Laugh and play as often as you can! Just because you are re-entering society does not mean you have to consume more alcohol/drugs than you know is good for you. Fun is the goal, not another form of numbness or reason to feel isolated. The principles below may be helpful guides for you as you expand your world to your specific needs and wants.
I am not aware of anyone who has not experienced loneliness at some point in their lives. Everyone experiences loneliness or isolation. For many, it is an ongoing struggle. People often assume that others whose friends and/or family always surround them do not experience loneliness. This assumption needs to be corrected. We can experience loneliness no matter how many people are in our lives; loneliness is not an exclusive club for those who are shy, awkward, or introverted. Loneliness can affect anyone, even "The Cool People".
Before we get to the article A Cure For Loneliness, here is a short video with Johann Hari. He is a controversial author, journalist, and explorer of life and people. He has great ideas, even if he is only sometimes on target about why things are how they are. You will enjoy his talk on loneliness. It is less than four minutes.