37 results for tag: Spiritual Development
Why Nice Guys Stay Single – So Do Bad Boys
When I first saw the heading "Why Nice Guys Stay Single", I rolled my eyes; at least I tried. I have never perfected eye-rolling. I thought to myself, "Another article written by a bitter, single woman who likes bad boys who treat her like shit". I was completely wrong. I have no idea if Kathryn Hogan is single, but she is definitely not bitter and incredibly perceptive.
Here is a quote from this article; if this does not move you, there is no need to read further.
"What women—evolved, mature, powerful women—actually need is a man who embodies the divinity of manhood. This may sound mystical, but it’s not. Every man is sacred, can touch the sacred masculine within him, can be a man who stands in compassion, loyalty, and honor, who cares enough to realize that only his true, unfiltered presence is good enough for this world. A man with a powerful heart, who can hold a woman in his presence, who can weather her emotional storms, who is nourished by being near her, and sees her divinity, and gives endlessly of himself."This article explores why being a nice guy will only get you so far. You must dive deeper into yourself and express everything that makes you. The real you. The authentic you. Nice guys are men who are hiding from themselves and the women they wish to connect with and love. No more Mr. Nice Guy (see Alice Cooper song below for kicks).

A Valuable Life Lesson – The Mayonnaise Jar
A Valuable Life Lesson For A Happier Life is an interesting demonstration of some important life lessons about priorities and relationships.
What are your thoughts on A Valuable Life Lesson For A Happier Life? Does it apply to your relationships, career, family, health or spiritual life? What do you disagree with this demonstration of A Valuable Life Lesson For A Happier Life?
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Spiritual Bypassing, Relationships and The Shadow
I first started becoming aware of spiritual bypassing a few years ago. My eyes opened wide as I was reading the page in front of me. "A spiritual bypass or spiritual bypassing is a "tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks" John Welwood & Tina Fossella. This was it! This was the thing I had been aware of for years in myself and others that I had not known what it was or how to describe it! I was so excited that there really was such a "thing," and it had a name.
I have cut out parts of the article below, but most of the content on spiritual bypassing is included.
How To Listen to Your Intuition
When you are trying to make an important decision, everyone you ask in some form or another will recommend, "Listen to your intuition". This is excellent advice, but often not helpful. If you knew how to listen to your intuition, would you be asking your friends and family for advice in the first place? Probably not. I think it is pretty clear that most people will agree that if you listen to your intuition, the process of making decisions will become clearer, simpler, and more successful. For most people, the challenge is not wanting to listen to your intuition; it is knowing how to effectively listen to your intuition. I invite you to join me as we explore different methods on how to listen to your intuition.

Obsessions and Compulsions: Zen Buddhism Help or Hurt?
Obsessions and compulsions, we all have them. Does Buddhism help or hurt those trying to learn how to live life without being controlled by their obsessions and compulsions? Zen Buddhism can be a very orderly and defined practice. Zen Buddhism is often regimented, or at least many practitioners and teachers practice that way. Our discussion today is whether Zen Buddhism supports recovery of obsessions and compulsions or the actual obsessions and compulsions themselves. Obsession and compulsions Zen Buddhism have a unique relationship, so let's explore it together.

The Difference Between Being Present and Self-Absorbed
It is easy to be confused about the difference between being present and self-absorbed. Current New Age, pop psychology and self-help literature make them appear to be the same. This is far from the truth. In my experience both personal and professional, there are several differences between being present and self-absorbed. The two that feel most significant are; 1) being present creates a spirit and mindset of service to others and 2) when we are present, we are aware of our inner experiences on many levels AND what is happening around us. When we are self-absorbed, the rest of the world takes a backseat to our own experiences and our own needs/wants/preferences.

Higher Self Connection with Life Coach
One of the most rewarding and inspiring aspects of my work as a Holistic Counseling Services is facilitating the Higher Self Connection with a client. I can feel it in my belly when I witness someone experiencing the Higher Self Connection for the first time or the first time in a very long time. I am humbled by these experiences, no matter how often they occur. They can be gentle or not so gentle, reminders of who I am and what my work is in this lifetime.