37 results for tag: Spiritual Development
Chaos Can Be Positive
When I read the title of the article, Chaos Can Be Positive, I felt my head shift as if I was questioning the screen itself. I then paused for a second before reading the article. I began reflecting on my interpretation of the word chaos and why I would think chaos is "bad" or at least "not good"? The answer was simple. When I think of chaos, I think of a situation being out of control or without order. Now I see why I assume chaos will generally be "bad". My mind interprets "good" and control as the same. It's funny to think of it that way.

10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling | Wake Up World
Have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you questioned your life purpose? Do you know your Calling? If these are questions that you have tried to answer, I encourage you to read the following article, 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling, by Lissa Rankin, MD. Knowing your calling or life purpose is incredibly valuable in honoring the commitments you made when you came into this life. People throw around terms like "life purpose", "calling," and "destiny" like they are casual, mundane details. Anyone who has been directed towards their life purpose or calling is fully aware of just how powerful and solidifying this knowledge is to our existence.
6 Relationship Tips for Empaths | elephant journal
Empaths get a bad rap in mainstream media. They are made fun of as if they are all quacks and hippies. For those gifted with the ability to sense and feel others' experiences and thoughts, empathizing can be lonely and isolating. You may receive little support or guidance on how to live in the world and be yourself. This was my experience in most of my early life, which included drug and alcohol abuse. This shifted when I found a Teacher who offered me guidance and support to hone my skills and prosper within our culture. I am so grateful for the training and direction our work together facilitated. I can now "do what I do" because of that relationship and what was created through it....
The Invisible White Rabbit – A Parable in Determination
The Invisible White Rabbit - A Parable in Determination is based on a story by Edward Hays. I think The Invisible White Rabbit is an excellent source of inspiration and wisdom for those trying to forge a spiritual journey. We all know this journey takes incredible determination and perseverance. Many New Age books make it sound easy with their claims of "Five Easy Steps Towards Enlightenment", but anyone who has done any deep spiritual work is acutely aware that it is not easy or fast. But how do we stay on the path with life's challenges and surprises?...
Bowing: An Energetic Transaction
On my first morning in South Korea in August of 2008, I entered a local “deli” to buy something quick to eat before my first day at work. I arrived from the USA and arrived at my room around 1:00 a.m. I did not get to sleep till nearly 3:30, with a wake-up time of 8:30 a.m. The “deli” is not what I would typically call a deli, as someone who grew up outside of New York City but does not know the correct name for it. The woman prepares several kinds of kimchi, pickled vegetables, and stews, which are hot and ready to go. I did not know what I was thinking when I walked in the door of her small business. She bowed and said a formal greeting I know now as “Annyeong-haseyo” = "Hello". Her bow is what stopped me in my tracks....
Providence Dating Success Series – How We Date Now
If this is how we date now, dating has changed. Everything has changed, so why not dating as well? I was reading the following article, This Is How We Date Now, and found it stimulating and disturbing. I do not have direct experience with this world of dating. My relationships, past and present, are not on display on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else. Even before the Internet, I have never been one desiring to create happy, shining photographs posing with fake smiles. The fact that I have never felt moved to do so does not mean I do not understand the need to document life as positive and happy. My denial expresses itself differently....