37 results for tag: Spiritual Development

Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks

It is not surprising how much research has developed proving the healing and healthy effects of meditation and mindfulness training. This new Harvard study proving that Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain feels like a breakthrough, but to those of us doing this work for decades, it feels long overdue....

Is Reiki Science or Hype?

Reiki has been in my life for so long that it is hard for me to imagine Reiki being something foreign, mystical, or unusual. I first received training in 1995 and have practiced Reiki in some form every day since. Based on that information, you can see how hard it is for me to question; is Reiki science or hype? For me, that would be like questioning if the water is wet or if the night is dark....

Does Kindness Make You More Attractive? Research Says Yes!

I suspect that all counselors and therapists know that kindness makes you more attractive. It is helpful to see research that supports this premise. The research itself is limited but still has merit. On a personal level, I think I have always sensed that those who express positive character traits seem more attractive, if for no other reason than I find anger, dishonesty, and hate unattractive....


Doubt. Just writing the word stirs something inside me. I'm aware of feeling uncomfortable just seeing it, and since I'm using voice recognition software, saying it out loud. Doubt. Where does doubt come from? Are we taught doubt? Is doubt ingrained in our DNA? I wonder how much our life experiences influence the degree of doubt that expresses itself in our minds and bodies. ...

What is The Difference Between Freedom and Lack of Self-Discipline?

Identifying the difference between freedom and lack of self-discipline is an essential teaching on our journey as spiritual beings. Thich Nhat Hanh offers us perspective to help those struggling with this important concern for anyone with or wanting to have a spiritual practice, whether it is meditation, Hatha Yoga, Tai Qi, Qi Gong or any other regular spiritual practice....

Spiritual Greed and Gluttony – Dark Night of The Soul

I remember about a dozen years ago, I was going through a particularly challenging time that felt like a hopeless period In my personal and spiritual development. Among other things, my mentor suggested that I read and meditate on Dark Night Of The Soul by St. John of The Cross.  She suggested I pay close attention to the teachings on spiritual greed and gluttony. I immediately became furious at her but pretended as if I was okay. Of course, she knew better. Like any "good student" who wants to prove to his mentor just how good a student he is, I left her and directly went to buy a copy of the book. st john of the-cross dark night of the soul- Spiritual Greed and Gluttony - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Beyond The Dark Night Kathryn Brimblecombe...

Blindness – A Spiritual Teaching in Seeing

As the weather in South Korea starts to turn, so do the leaves. I have looked forward to this more this year than in the past. I wanted to see what autumn looks like in South Korea. It has arrived. Red, burnt orange, orange, yellow, ochre, green, and light green fill the streets of Cheonan. Today, being a sometimes-sunny, sometimes-cloudy day, I wanted to get out on Tang San Mountain with my camera and hiking shoes to enjoy the day. I did not leave my room till about 3:30, which was fine. It is getting dark around 6:00 these days, so I would have plenty of time to explore and take pictures of the trees and whatever else caught my fancy. I got some great shots of the top of the white cement apartment buildings, foreshadowing all the mountains in the background that surround the city of Cheonan. I had not seen this view before; it was the first time I made it to this trail. This trail was more vigorous and inclined, with better-unobstructed views of the city....