2 results for tag: Tantra and Sex

What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? A Beginners Guide

What is ethical non-monogamy or consensual non-monogamy, and what is not ethical non-monogamy? Ethical non-monogamy is when a couple mutually decides to add other lovers or romantic or sexual partners to their existing relationship. I want to be clear: ethical non-monogamy is NOT having an affair or one-night stand(s) without having your partner's consent and support IN ADVANCE. Since the author of the article below explores ethical non-monogamy, I will primarily focus on what it is not. Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) Is Not: Being attracted to someone else and pressuring or manipulating your partner into you being with someone else for your ...

Tantra Is NOT Love – Tantra And Sacred Sex

This is a beautifully written essay on Tantra. I have some experience with Tantra, but I am certainly not a teacher or expert. I have struggled with some Tantra practitioners assuming Tantra and Sacred Love are the same. This has not felt true to me. This heartfelt dive into the essence of Tantra, Sacred Sex, and Tantra is what I have experienced without having the correct words or mastery to express it accurately.

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