7 results for tag: Winnie The Pooh
13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life
I do not typically post content from Psychology Today, but thought this was simple and helpful: 13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life.
Want to be happy, healthy and have great relationships? Sure, we all do! And we’ve heard a million times about the obvious ways to take care of ourselves: exercise, diet etc. But there’s one simple exercise that boosts all of these things simultaneously and that most of us simply don’t know. What’s that? Being thankful. Sound too simplistic to you? Not so fast! Check out 13 of its stellar science-backed benefits....
Dating Is Scary, But Why? Part I – The Breakup
Dating is scary, but why? During conversations with clients, friends, and family, I often hear men and women talk about how dating is scary. If you think about it, dating should not be scary, but dating is scary. But why is dating scary? I heard somebody once say, "Dating is scary because there are only two possible outcomes. You will either spend the rest of your life with someone, or you will break up. Both are scary." For our conversation today, we are not going to discuss intimate violence in dating, but I did want to acknowledge how scary date and acquaintance rape is. I am not minimizing or neglecting date and acquaintance rape; it's just not what we're going to focus on in this discussion.
10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling | Wake Up World
Have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you questioned your life purpose? Do you know your Calling? If these are questions that you have tried to answer, I encourage you to read the following article, 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling, by Lissa Rankin, MD. Knowing your calling or life purpose is incredibly valuable in honoring the commitments you made when you came into this life. People throw around terms like "life purpose", "calling," and "destiny" like they are casual, mundane details. Anyone who has been directed towards their life purpose or calling is fully aware of just how powerful and solidifying this knowledge is to our existence.
6 Relationship Tips for Empaths | elephant journal
Empaths get a bad rap in mainstream media. They are made fun of as if they are all quacks and hippies. For those gifted with the ability to sense and feel others' experiences and thoughts, empathizing can be lonely and isolating. You may receive little support or guidance on how to live in the world and be yourself. This was my experience in most of my early life, which included drug and alcohol abuse. This shifted when I found a Teacher who offered me guidance and support to hone my skills and prosper within our culture. I am so grateful for the training and direction our work together facilitated. I can now "do what I do" because of that relationship and what was created through it....