They Are Real People – Inspiring Video – The Game
As I reflect on this further, I clearly remember that the African-American college community was active in regularly discussing race, class, and gender. I had several friends within the community and would sometimes be present during these honest and often tense discussions—real people having real conversations.
They Are Real People – We Need Safe College Campus
I appreciate many aspects of this video. The one that is loudest to me is that the young man clearly places blame and focus on men as responsible for changing rape culture. They also completely remove all fault from women, which is not always the case. Too often, we hear phrases like, “What were you wearing?”, “Were you drinking?” or “Did you try to escape?”. These blame the survivor, not the person who committed the crime. Again, these are real people we are talking about with real lives and real pain. Can you imagine blaming someone who had a window knocked in on their car for the place they parked or what color car they have? Of course not.
They Are Real People – One Student
One Student is a non-profit organization that provides cutting-edge programs, resources, and opportunities that engage students to create social change to reduce sexual violence.
One Student provides students and their allies with programs, resources and opportunities to address sexual violence.
- We will treat survivors, secondary survivors and allies with understanding, courage and respect.
- We will remain committed to offering inclusive, accurate and honest education.
- We agree to continue to evolve as an organization by remaining open to new opinions and ideas.
- We will be mindful of our audience’s unique point of view and strive to deliver a message that speaks to the youth and allies we serve.
- We value the full range of human diversity and seek to involve diverse populations in our staff, board, volunteers and our clientele.
The Game – One Student Video
What did you experience viewing “They Are Real People – Inspiring One Student Video – The Game”? I invite you to share “They Are Real People – Inspiring One Student Video – The Game”. This a great message for students and all of us. Thank you for watching the video by and for real people.
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Michael Swerdloff
Providence Holistic Counseling, Coach and Reiki
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