Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image

Over the last twenty-five years or so, my attention has been drawn to the issues and challenges of those with eating disorders and the possible sources of their existence in modern American culture.  I have experienced countless friends, colleagues, and clients who have been in various stages of the disease and recovery from disordered eating.  We have learned a lot since then, and we have a better understanding of treatment, support, and the probable cause of these issues.

One would have been to be very naïve to not include female body image issues as a major cause and root of the widespread problem that hits many young women and adults. It is less common, but men are not exempt. I am focusing just on women for this particular discussion, specifically female celebrities and their influence on young women and their body images.

In the past few years, several famous female celebrities on body images have come forward, sharing their personal experiences and supporting young women feeling good about their bodies. Their voices are important, but still, a great minority compared to female celebrities on body images who do speak out in support of healthy women and their bodies.  We all need to feel safe and present in our bodies, regardless of what that body looks or feels like. I have experienced some physical challenges in the last couple of years that have presented me with a new perspective on my body and how I feel living in it. I acknowledge that this is not the same as working through an eating disorder, but it has offered me some insight into the lens of why some may not feel good about being in their body. I am fortunate to have had an extremely healthy and fit body for the bulk of my life; this is new to me. With that said, I am going to get out of the way and let the voices of female celebrities on body images take over this post.

Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image

Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image - Providence Life Coaching & Spiritual Training - zero is not a size


After Urban Outfitters designed a t-shirt marked with the words “Eat Less” on the front, Sophia Bush decided to boycott the entire fashion outlet.

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The One Tree Hill actress has always promoted healthy body images for women worldwide. Now, however, she is taking her cause to a new level by declaring war against Urban Outfitters.

In an open letter to Urban Outfitters, which was posted on her blog, Bush wrote:

“You should issue a public apology, and make a hefty donation to a women’s organization that supports those stricken with eating disorders. I am sickened that anyone, on any board, in your gigantic company would have voted ‘yes’ on such a thing, let alone enough of you to manufacture an item with such a hurtful message. It’s like handing a suicidal person a loaded gun. You should know better.”

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Sophia stands close to her belief and assures others that she will not allow Urban Outfitters to make a profit off of “anorexia- promoting t-shirts“.

What do you think about the t-shirt Montreal? Will you be joining Sophia in her boycott against the store?

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 Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image – Jennifer Lawrence

Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image - Providence Life Coaching & Spiritual Training - jennifer lawrence-body image

Female Celebrities on Body Image – Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet is an actress of substance. She’s also a female celebrity, which means she spends an unreasonable amount of time answering questions about her body. (If this sounds silly to you, please refer to Ashley Judd’s op-ed for the Daily Beast.)

Luckily, Winslet is a staunch advocate for natural beauty and consistently promotes a healthy attitude towards body image. In this week’s Vanity Fair Italia, Kate Winslet answers more questions about her famous figure… including a question about, well, questions about her famous figure (meta enough for you?):

Another Kate Winslet classic: her fight in the name of all the women who do not wear XS [size extra-small]. Bored of talking about it?Better say that I’m bored of what it means that we are still here talking about it: it means that nothing has changed. Otherwise, no, I believe it is important to go on insisting that normality is not what we are exposed to. Honestly, among my acquaintances there is no woman wearing XS. No, sorry, there is one: my daughter. The point is that Mia is 11 years old.

Point well taken. The question also gives Kate the chance to reiterate that she’s perfectly happy with her own body, saying, “I am sincerely grateful for my buttocks.” (Or in Italian, “Felice del mio lato B” — Vanity Fair Italia chose the translation, not us).

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The accompanying photo shoot doesn’t show much of Kate’s “lato B,” but it does have the British actress posing in some gorgeous dark fashions, including a sequined jacket with pointed shoulders on the cover.

Doesn’t matter how many times she insists she’s “not a model”, we never tire of looking at pictures of (and reading interviews with) Kate Winslet.

Female Celebrities on Body Image – Kate Upton

Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling - kate upton every designer

Kate Upton: “I’m Not Going to Starve to Be Thin

“Promoting a positive body image is something we think is hugely important here at MBG. If you haven’t heard about this yet, 20-year-old model, Kate Upton, was recently slammed for her weight by a pro-skinny website. (Yes, this is ridiculous.) Here’s what they said about Kate:

Huge thighs, NO waist, big fat floppy boobs, terrible body definition – she looks like a squishy brick. Is this what American women are “striving” for now? The lazy, lardy look? Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for? Sorry, but: eww!

Are you serious???

Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image - Providence Life Coaching & Spiritual Training - demi lovato-body image
If there’s a silver lining here, it’s that Kate isn’t letting this slide. She tells The Daily Mail:

‘It was hard when I was first in the industry and people were like: “No, you are fat.”

‘But my body is something that you have to work out and eat healthily for. I’m not doing drugs or not eating. I want to enjoy life and I can’t be enjoying life if I’m not eating and miserable.

‘Young models – these agents are horrible to them they treat them so badly. I went to Australia and my agent there said don’t call me if you need anything, just show up on these castings.  Some models don’t say anything [about being sleazed] on but I’m very verbal I always said something.’

We think Kate is gorgeous and we bet you do, too :)” Mind Body Green
Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image - Providence Life Coaching & Spiritual Training - Taylor Swift -body image
I have worked with enough young women to know how destructive negative feelings about your body can be. This is true for all of us, although the focus of this post has been primarily on young women. We all need to have healthy thoughts that support our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. How we view our body is part of that system. If I can help you with that process in any way, please get in touch with me when you are ready.
What are your thoughts about the Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image?
Are there other famous Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image that I need to include in future discussions?
Do you think it matters what Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image say or write?
Michael Swerdloff
Providence Holistic Counseling Services

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