Parenting & Family

Green Flags For Your Relationship

We are all familiar with the "red flags" to be aware of when starting a new relationship. The green flags, however, do not get as much attention. We have possibly spent too much time making sure everyone knows what to avoid in relationships and perhaps not enough focus on what to embrace in relationships. The list of green flags is an attempt to offer another lens to view and assess what is productive and necessary to thrive and prosper in relationships. Of the 6 Little Green Flags That You've Found A Keeper shared below, I would like to focus on just a few of them. Beginning with being your authentic self around them is key. If you feel safe enough around them to not feel like you have to look, sound and/or be different in their presence than you do with your inner circle, it is essential. Or, from the reverse perspective, why would you want to be with someone who does not feel like being yourself is enough or acceptable? ...

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Cultural Competency & 7 Things You Should Expect from a Mental Health Professional

I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White. - Labels - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - connection-confection-world-peace-in-our-hands

I am incredibly grateful for the experience of working with the Urban League for several years. The National Urban League works to provide economic empowerment, educational opportunities, and the guarantee of civil rights for the underserved in America. I had the opportunity to work with and be supervised by many excellent social workers, community organizers, and counselors who trained me in cultural competency as a mental health professional and social worker. Of course,  there is always more to learn. There are so many different cultures, religions, and sub-cultures both here in the United States and around the world that it is impossible to truly achieve cultural competency. However, we can continue to learn and grow to support our communities to the best of our ability. Cultural competency is a process. not a static destination.


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COVID Care For Self – Our Brains Are Responding

COVID care is important. Our brains and bodies have new processes to consider and respond to. I imagine this might be similar to those we are living in a new war zone. Their brains and bodies have to adapt to a new version of life. Many exceptional neurologists and social science researchers are doing great work in informing us of how these events affect our brains and emotions. I find the information very helpful for the clients I work with and for my personal experiences. I have been mindful about COVID care and making sure I acknowledge that I should NOT be feeling how I typically do with so much change and uncertainty....

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Gender Roles of Listening – It’s Not About The Nail

Personal and Spiritual Development Group - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counseling Coaching and Reiki
This short film provides an opportunity for us to explore how gender roles of listening are expressed in relationships. I invite you to pay attention to how this short film affects you. Does it bring up anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, frustration, laughter, or any other emotions? What are your thoughts about your current or previous partners as you watch this short film? Do you find yourself blaming them or yourself for past or current challenges? ...

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What Is Gray Area Drinking and What Can I do About it?