31 results for tag: Benefits of Meditation
Tibetan Buddhist Anyen Rinpoche to Visit Rhode Island
Tibetan Buddhist Anyen Rinpoche to Visit Rhode Island at the Westminster Unitarian Church in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, will host the Tibetan Buddhist Tulku, Anyen Rinpoche, on Friday, April 4th, and Saturday, April 5th....
Meditation Retreat at Portsmouth Abbey
Last week, I participated in a solo, two-day meditation retreat at Portsmouth Abbey in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, just north of Newport. I was grateful for the opportunity to pray, meditate, sit, and chant with the monks at Portsmouth Abbey.
Meditation Retreat at Portsmouth Abbey - The Chapel
Suppose you have never visited a Benedictine Monastery before. In that case, they wake early in the morning, typically around 5:00 a.m., beginning the day with the first of seven "Offices", or times of communal prayer through chanting. As a guest, you are welcome to join them for as much or as little of their daily routine as you feel moved. I did not choose to take part in the early morning prayer time. Instead, I stayed in my room for silent prayer and meditation. I went there for silence and meditation....Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life
I remember when I used to have to look around for my keys, wallet, and shoes when leaving the house daily. I used to take in the mail daily, put it on a table, move it to the kitchen counter the next day, move it to my desk, and then eventually open it. Then, finally, weeks later, I would pay the bill or reply to the inquiry. The mail was often touched five or six times before an action occurred to complete the process. Calendars were like a bible to me since I never remembered what I was doing when, with whom, or at what time. There were countless return phone calls and messages cluttering my mind day and night. Clothes were rarely where they belonged; in fact, they were typically anywhere but where they belonged. There were times it was hard to tell the clean from the dirty piles; there was so much. Clutter of mind, home, and life were constant obstacles to being present and focused in my day. I am grateful these things are rarities in my life today!...